Psalm 138:1-8 Thank You Lord

David pours out his heart in thanksgiving. “Thank You Lord for ALL You have done.” David also tells of a time when ALL the kings of the earth will join his song.
David doesn’t give us a specific reason for his song. He doesn’t point out some great act God has done on his behalf. He simply says “Thank You” for who God is. His steadfast love endures forever.
There is no greater god than David’s God (and mine). David chooses to praise Him above ALL other gods. There were gods that Israel was still turning to during David’s life; at least before he took the throne. When he took the throne he tore down the high places, cut down all the asherah poles, smashed all the idols, and even destroyed the serpent that Moses had made in the wilderness under God’s instruction. He would tolerate NO other gods in Israel. His heart was wholly God’s.
David knew that the kings of the earth had heard of the Lord but most still did not follow Him. David KNEW there would be a day when all of them would. That day is still coming. It won’t be here until Jesus completes the Battle of Armageddon. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord on that day.
Even in ALL the trouble that David faced in his life, he KNEW strength of spirit. It came from God alone. David clearly thanked Him for this strength and gave Him credit for it. “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul You increased” (verse 3).
David also knew that God sees the hearts of men. God does NOT respond to the proud who believe that they are entitled to all His blessings. He responds to the humble who seek Him with a right attitude. David NEVER demanded God do anything for him. Even when he walked into battle with confidence it was with confidence in the Lord to work through him, not in his own abilities. That’s the kind of heart God honors.
This is the heart I need. One that has complete confidence in Him, trusting that whatever He brings me to He will bring me through, and full of thanksgiving for all we have walked through before. I definitely have the last part down. I KNOW that, without His help, I would not be on this earth today. I have full confidence in His control of the world and that I will NEVER be left alone, but I still struggle with which battles He has really called me to.
I don’t know if I hear God’s voice sometimes. I often wonder if He actually gave me some direction or if I made the decision on my own to do something. I’m always afraid of running out ahead of Him and getting myself into a mess that He has to come along and clean up. I’m pretty sure I’ve done that on MORE than one occasion. But even then, He still loves me enough to rescue me from my situation.
I’m also afraid of ignoring when He speaks because I think it is either my own idea or I’m too afraid to do what He is calling me to. I wish I could be like David in that respect. But there were times he called for someone else to seek God’s voice for him. Maybe even he had to check things out to be sure he was listening correctly. If so, that makes me feel a little better.
Father God, THANK YOU for ALL You have done in my life and for all that You still have for me in the future. Help me learn to hear Your voice more clearly. Teach me how to listen and build my faith. Build my spiritual strength too Father so that I don’t have doubts. Will I ever be free of all doubts? Probably not this side of Heaven but help me not trip over them in my walk with You.
I’m looking forward to the day when ALL will praise You too, like David. Give me a heart like David’s!