1. Victoria Walters
    July 27, 2016 @ 3:32 PM

    …and yet, Jesus later followed His comment about John being the greatest of those born of women with, “the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist.”

    I don’t believe there are any ordinary people. I believe that each and every one of us is born for a God-designed purpose. It is only when we compare our own life to the lives of others that we may feel ordinary or less than. When we live our lives with our attention focused on those things He brings us to do, His glory shines through us as it does through those WE esteem as being extraordinary.

    Sorry for my prolonged silence, and thanks for the nudge to get back into the daily reading.

    I love you, muchly!
    Aunt Vicky

    • Annette Vincent
      July 28, 2016 @ 3:45 PM

      I think I do too much comparison. I had a “Thank You God for using me” wake up this last week when I looked at where this blog is being read from. I’m not some big international wonder but the people coming here are from ALL OVER the globe! I’m grateful to be able to touch lives in the far reaches of the world. Places I NEVER would have been able to go, His word has. Check out the “Great Commission” blog, if you haven’t already. It says this better than anything else.

      I’m SO glad to have you back too. I missed you and your insightful comments. Still praying for you and your health.

      Love you BUNCHES!
      Neice Me 🙂

  2. Victoria Walters
    July 31, 2016 @ 5:32 PM

    Wow! That’s exciting. I didn’t know you could see who is reading and where they are from. What a blessing!!

    Thanks for your prayers. Prayer is making a big difference while I wait for surgery. I’m not completely pain free, but it’s manageable now. I thank God for that, and fully believe it’s because of prayer.

    • Annette Vincent
      July 31, 2016 @ 11:14 PM

      I can’t see who the person is but I can see what region in the world they are from and how many people in that region are visiting. It is awe inspiring to me. I actually have one follower in Iraq who comes daily! I am so grateful to be able to reach out to him/her in a country so far from me and so anti Christian. I pray that the words I share help this person feel connected to other believers in Jesus. I would love to know who it is and if he/she has ever commented.

      Father God protect this person from persecution and strengthen their faith. I ask that You place Your hand on their life and continue to draw them to You every day. Let them “climb up in Your lap” for some special time with You every day.

      Father God I ask this for everyone visiting our site. Whether they be regular visitors or long time readers. Hold each one in Your arms every day and tell them clearly how valuable they are to You. Thank You for Your love! I cherish our time together each day. Thank You for letting me share our time with my other brothers and sisters in You.