Romans 15:8-13 Hope For All

Paul ensures his readers today that ALL people, including the Gentiles, have always been a part of God’s plan. He uses the Old Testament writings in doing so.
The salvation of the Gentiles was not an afterthought. Nor was it simply a result of Israel’s rejection of Jesus. It was in God’s plan all along. The fact that the prophets of old included direct mention of hope for the Gentiles is proof positive of this.
The first promise in the Garden of Eden was given to woman’s seed, not specifying any nationality or division. When speaking to the serpent (Satan) regarding the woman’s seed God says, “He will crush your head, and you will bruise His heal” (Gen. 13:15). Paul quotes Isaiah’s prophecy here. “And again Isaiah says, ‘The rood of Jesse will come, even He who arises to rule the Gentiles; in Him will the Gentiles hope’” (verse 12). So from Garden to Garden Gentiles were included. From the Garden of Eden to the Garden where He rose, God had ALL of us in His plan.
I love the other prophecies that Paul sites because they speak of praise from the Gentiles. The most gratifying thing to God that man can do is to praise Him with our hearts, lips and our actions. Praise Him because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Praise Him because we are in the palm of His hand. Praise Him because He cares for us. Praise Him because there is no other name by which men may be saved. Even when I don’t feel like praising, praise Him anyway.
Father God THANK YOU for including me. THANK YOU for all You have done. THANK YOU for each new day. THANK YOU for holding me through each challenge in my life. THANK YOU for being with me in my storm now. I love You with ALL my heart. I will sing to You a new song.