Numbers 19:1-22 Purification

God gives a special procedure for purification after contact with a dead body. There were PLENTY of those about that same time.
I’m going to come out sand say that I don’t understand this whole process. I don’t know how often this was to take place. Was it only when the ashes ran out? And why did God specify Eleazor? Was this a one-time offering that he was to oversee or was it his office that oversaw this sacrifice?
I recognize the sin offering with the burning of the whole animal taking place outside the camp as it does when the priests sin or when the whole congregation sin. But this is the only animal that is also killed outside the camp. I believe this sacrifice was a representation of Jesus’ future sacrifice. He was killed outside the camp. He was not burned but He was laid in a clean place; a tomb that had never been used. His blood became our cleansing, just as the ashes in water were supposed to do.
Something else that caught my attention when reading this was the number of days the person had to wait for cleansing after touching a dead person. The first cleansing with the ceremonial water is to take place on the third day. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. His blood was then applied for cleansing for all who would accept it. I couldn’t find an appearance coinciding with the seventh day for the final cleaning though. What I did find was that on the eighth day after His resurrection and first appearance to His disciples, He appeared again to the full complement that included Thomas. Was this the “completion” process as in the final cleansing?
The person who did not participate in this requirement for cleansing would not become clean and could not reenter the camp. They were to be cut off from Israel. Those who refuse Jesus’ cleansing blood remain unclean and are cut off from God. They cannot enter Heaven. No matter how “good” the person is or how “valuable” they are to the community there is no entrance without first submitting to the requirements of purification.
Notice also that “a clean person” and the water of purification is all that is necessary for the cleansing of a person defiled by death. This doesn’t require a priest to perform this service. When someone comes to Jesus it also doesn’t have to be done through a priest or pastor or any religious leader. ANYONE who is cleansed by His blood can share the offer of that same cleansing to another.
One thing that I don’t really understand is the need for further cleansing. During the whole sacrificial process through the application process, those involved had to wash after touching the purification pieces. Also the person on whom the water was sprinkled had to wash afterwards. I have a feeling it had more to do with hygiene than actual spiritual cleanliness. The reason for this conclusion is that Jesus’ blood was enough for our FULL cleansing. Nothing more was/is required. The person sharing the cleansing power of Jesus also doesn’t become unclean in the process.
Thank You Holy Spirit for sharing this with me. Thank You for answering some of my questions. Thank You for the understanding and comparisons You drew for me. I still feel confused by portions of this sacrifice but I trust You to provide those answers when I need them. Until then, I will be happy with what You shared today.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being my cleansing sacrifice. Thank You that You did it ALL! There is nothing I need to add or do over to receive Your cleansing blood in my life. All I need to do is ask for it; for You to be Lord of my life. I can never do enough to show my gratitude. All I have to offer is myself and my love. I pray that is enough. Help me freely share what I have received from You with others who are searching too. Let me “sprinkle” some of that water of purification.