Daniel 2:46-49 Daniel Promoted

The king is SO HAPPY with Daniel’s wisdom and understanding that he promotes him. Daniel doesn’t forget his friends as he moves up in standing.
King Nebuchadnezzar is FINALLY able to put his mind to rest. He had been going over his dream in his mind repeatedly since the night it happened. He was furious that NONE of his wise men could give him the meaning of it. And he wasn’t going to let them spout any old thing they wanted. He NEEDED to understand this dream. When Daniel told him both the dream AND its meaning, Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face at Daniel’s feet.
This is NOT an act that a king would be expected to do; especially to one of his captives. Daniel was treated almost like a god. Worshiping at his feet. Burning incense to him. Showering him with gifts. And giving over unheard of power to him. This behavior would be scary if it wasn’t for the words out of the king’s mouth.
“Truly, your God is God of gods and Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this mystery” (verse 47b). Nebuchadnezzar recognized the source of Daniel’s wisdom and ability. He recognized Daniel’s reliance on his God. Daniel made CERTAIN of that when he was answering. He NEVER claimed ownership of his wisdom. He gave that honor to God.
Was Daniel uncomfortable with Nebuchadnezzar’s actions towards him? Did he tell him not to worship him but to worship God? Knowing the bits and pieces of Daniel’s life that we do, I HIGHLY doubt that he took this worship all in stride or became ‘puffed up’ by it. However, he did NOT debase himself before the king or plead to be left at a lower status.
Daniel used his new favor to help his friends. He asked the king to put them in positions of power too. Nebuchadnezzar now had four men who would assist him in making wise decisions regarding his kingdom AND be a witness for the Lord. NONE of these men would let their new found power go to their heads. They were put in these places by God for a reason.
This story reminds me of another captive who was elevated above all those around him for GOD’S purpose. That person was elevated because of interpreting a dream too. And his position was one step below the highest ruler of the land. That person was Joseph. Joseph and Daniel both served faithfully, both their earthly rulers and their God. Their humility, honesty, and faithfulness would be a blessing to ALL under them and a testimony to God.
God puts us in positions of influence too. Our sphere of influence may only extend to a couple of people or it could extend to thousands. As long as we are faithful in the places He puts us AND we give HIM the glory and honor, our place is just as important as Daniel’s and Joseph’s. NONE of these men elevated themselves. They left that in God’s hands. He brought them to where He planned for them to be, for the purpose He had prepared for them to fill. He will do the same for us.
Father God, thank You for the places You have brought me to. Places where I would NEVER have expected to be. You grew the purpose in my heart LONG before You put me in the place. You also grew the ‘how to’ to meet your purpose. I’m VERY grateful for the slow pace You have put me on. I can’t imagine the learning curve Daniel had to deal with. A captive in training one day and ruler of the whole nation the next. ONLY by relying on You was he able to do the job You brought him to. And that goes ditto for me! Help me to ALWAYS keep the heart of humility that Daniel had.