Zechariah 14:1-21 Coming Day

There is a coming day when the King, the Lord of Hosts will rule and reign in Jerusalem. There is GREAT Hope, yet there is GREAT destruction before and on that day.
I believe this is an extensive prophecy that covers a long timeframe. I hear portions of the day Jesus returns to rule on earth. I hear parts of Israel’s fate during the Tribulation. I hear elements of the new heaven and earth as well. My bible helps doesn’t pinpoint the time either.
The earliest, and maybe later on too, portion is where all the nations gather against Israel. We know this will happen during the time before Jesus returns, most likely during the second half of the Great Tribulation. But there will be another war after Jesus’ millennial reign. This could be during that time too. At some point in these events, even the very cities around Jerusalem will join forces with those who oppose them. It sounds to me like the deciding victory will come when those in the enemies’ camps bodies will rot. In this war, even the animals of war will rot on the spot. This rotting will engender fighting within their own camps. I don’t see Jerusalem even having to lift a finger to defend itself against these attackers.
We do see a way of escape created during this time of war. It will be the valley that is created when Jesus steps foot on the Mount of Olives. The mountain itself will split. Shear forces will cause the two halves to travel north and south of one another and create a “great valley” between them. Can you imagine that sight?! That must be a MASSIVE earthquake to create that much movement! I wonder if it will be felt world wide or if it will be only local. What other damage will it bring? A miraculous fact will be that it FLATTENS the area around it, all except Jerusalem. It will stand untouched. Explain THAT in a physics lesson without using the words “Act of God”!
We already know that Jerusalem will be where Jesus reigns during His 1,000 years’ time. We also know that God had promised a New Jerusalem straight from Heaven. The Jerusalem spoken of her will be COMPLETELY Holy. Even the every day cooking pots will be worthy of using for offering sacrifices to Him.
Which brings up another question for me. Jesus completed the Law by being our sacrifice. God ended the sacrificial practices when the second Temple was destroyed. There will be a third Temple created, which will be defiled by the Antichrist. Jesus will clean this Temple or create a new one during His reign. The New Jerusalem will have no need for a Temple. The whole city will be holy to the Lord. My question is, why is there sacrifices being offered again? Are they blood sacrifices? What is their purpose? Something has to die for a sacrifice of blood to be made. Or is it a different kind of “sacrifice”? Is it a “sacrifice of praise” or worship? Will the nations around be offering “sin” sacrifices during Jesus’ reign?
We are also told that ALL the nations will be required to keep the Feast of Booths which God prescribed for the people in His Law. Those who don’t come will receive no rain. What time period does this apply to? I’m thinking it will probably apply to the Millennial reign time period. Satan will not be completely defeated until after the final battle. But I don’t think it could be for the New Heaven and New Earth. That will be inhabited by those who have come through Judgment Day and there will be no more sin to atone for so, no more need for consequences of sin.
There is a LOT that we don’t know about what is REALLY going to happen in the future. But what we DO KNOW is MUCH more important. We KNOW that God has/does/will watch over His people. We KNOW that we have an eternal future with Him. We KNOW that He loves us BEYOND understanding! It BLOWS MY MIND how much He loves us!!! And we KNOW that He has a plan for each moment of from here to eternity, as well as a plan for each of our lives. THAT is what I’m holding onto during the unknown and uncertain times in this world.
Father God, THANK YOU for Jesus! Thank You that I have an eternity to spend exploring every aspect of You. Thank You for protecting me in this uncertain world. If I’m certain of ANYTHING, it’s of Your love for me. Undeserved as it is, I’m FOREVER grateful for that love. I will GLADLY come and hang out with You for a week in the Feast of Booths! Reserve me a spot up front please.