Zechariah 13:7-9 Regathered

“Strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered” (verse 7b) portrays Jesus, but it doesn’t end there. A third will be regathered and refined.
This first portion is another well known prophecy from Jesus’ life. It depicts what happened when Jesus was taken in the garden. All those who were with Him ran. Not before Peter chopped off the high priest’s servant’s ear though. Jesus healed the man and admonished Peter. Not knowing what to do after that, Peter fled.
NONE of His disciples or followers walked WITH Him as He was taken from the garden to the home of the high priest. Two would follow though. Even John, who bore witness to Jesus’ death on the cross, didn’t stand up and refute the charges against Jesus. He watched and waited.
In the rest of this prophecy, we see a great division of the people. We see 2/3 cut off and perishing and 1/3 being refined into TRUE followers of God. I don’t know if this is end time prophecy for Israel or a reflection of where they were at present.
A VAST majority of the descendants of Israel did not return to Israel when released from Exile. I don’t believe they were all killed at that time, but their refusal to return to God meant that the WOULD perish in sin. The remnant that returned were definitely refined through trials. They became closer to God through these trials, but even they would reject Jesus.
In Revelation 9, we are told that 1/3 of ALL the earth’s population will be killed. Even after this happens, they STILL refuse to turn to God. So, this doesn’t quite fit what is seen in Zechariah either.
Is it possible that this prophecy speaks of the people of Israel alone? Could the “whole land” mean the people of a specific land? If so, I would surmise that 1/3 of the people of Israel will recognize the truth and turn to God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They will be refined during the time of the Great Tribulation. They will be the 144,000 who inherit eternal life. The ‘fires’ of the times will rage around them, but their hope will be in God. They will emerge victorious in the end.
Is it also possible that 1/3 of ALL the earth’s population will eventually turn to Him during the trials they face? I’m not about to choose a number for that occurrence. Those who DO choose to follow Him will do so in TRUTH. It would be ‘easier’ for them to surrender to the will of the people around them but that ‘ease’ is fleeting won’t carry on into eternity. Those who turn away, from the beginning of time until its’ last breath, will ‘pay’ for their choice for ALL eternity.
NO amount of comfort here on earth will make up for an eternity of torment! MANY are called but FEW are chosen because FEW will make that defining decision to follow Him. God calls to ALL but most will not listen. Those who refuse to listen are destined for eternal torment.
Those who choose to follow God WILL have times of trials, learning, refining. Just like the guests who came to the wedding that had to change their clothes, we are not complete and ready for the presence of the King without change. “And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are MY people’; and they will say. ‘The Lord is my God’” (verse 9).
In the middle of the fire and in the middle of the calm, we who choose Him are safe in His arms. We will NOT be burned up in the fire, washed away in the flood, or destroyed by the storms. He is with us in ALL the refining we go through. And what a wonder we will be when His work is done in us!
Father God, thank You for ALL Your work in my life. The high times and the hard times. I KNOW that EVERY lesson was for my benefit. As hard, and scary, as it is, I’m asking You to do some serious refining in my life. I want to act in love at ALL times. THANK YOU for the increased patience You have authored in me for my husband as the demands of his care increase. Keep it growing Father.