Romans 15:22-33 Changing Plans

First of all let me apologize for missing posting these last two days. I have been up to my ears in projects and care. But we are back together tonight.
Paul shares his desire to visit his readers. He had been wanting to see them for years but never got the go ahead to do so. He is excited to announce that he is finally going to be coming to visit.
I’ve heard it said, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” This is certainly the case with Paul and his desire to visit Rome. He makes it there eventually but NOT like he had planned it out. I can sure identify with his situation.
Paul had a sincere desire to visit the believers in Rome but he was being led by the Spirit as to where to go. He was faithful in planting new churches and reaching those that God put on his “to do” list. But even during all his travels he still had it in his heart to go to Rome. He hadn’t planted that church but some of his most trusted followers had. He wanted to see the work God had done through them.
Sometimes God gives you the desires of your heart and sometimes He gives your heart the desire. It was Paul’s desire but I believe God put it there. That desire would help him during the hard times he was going to face. In his letter he mentions his trip to Jerusalem that he was about to embark on. We know what happened on that trip. He was imprisoned and finally sent to Rome; the place he was longing to go.
God never promised our journey would be easy but He did promise to walk with us every step of the way. Paul would get his wish but he would need God’s hand ALL the way there. “It’s time Paul, you’re on your way. The saints will be ecstatic to finally see you. But we are taking the LONG way around.”
Father God, thank You for the desires You placed in my heart. Thank You for meeting so many of them. Being a mother and grandmother are certainly some of the favorite ones You have met. But thank You also for meeting the ones that we took the LONG way getting to. Those trips were often discouraging as I went along but at the end of them, looking back, I saw Your handy work all along the path. You never left me along and You never gave up on meeting my desire. Most of the times it was me who had to modify that desire until it became what You REALLY intended it to be. Thank You for continuing to work with me until my desire and Your design matched up perfectly. Is that what You did with Paul? Was his desire a work in progress? Help me surrender to You, the Master Designer.