Psalm 1:1-6 Two Paths

We have reached the songs of David’s heart. I don’t know who arranged them in order but I think it appropriate that the two paths are set out first.
Psalms is probably my favorite book in the bible. The volume of praise and prayers have carried me through MANY different seasons in my life. When my husband had open heart surgery and wouldn’t wake up afterwards I started reading Psalms aloud to him at his bedside. My voice got tired so I kept reading but only read aloud the ones that touched my heart for our situation. It was four days before he finally was taken off the ventilator and ‘woke up’ and a week and a half before he returned to me cognitively. While going through the Psalms I wondered how far I would get. The day I finished the last chapter in Psalms was the day he was removed from the ventilator.
I didn’t just read the Psalms during this time but sang songs to my God as well. I clearly felt the presence of God with me during these times. My husband tells me that he heard me singing while he was unconscious and it gave him comfort too. He still carries that memory today.
The first psalm in David’s song book sets the tone. There are two paths we can take in this world. One is His path and the other is Satan’s. It’s up to us to choose. Those paths are not invisible journeys but ones that are observable by those around us. Our conduct indicates which path we are pursuing.
David doesn’t go into detail of what the “way of the sinner” or the “seat of scoffers” looks like. Nor does he expound on what the “counsel of the wicked” would entail. But the next verse tells us where to look for examples of how the righteous should and shouldn’t walk. “But his delight in in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night” (verse 2).
God provided Israel with very clear instructions and limitations. The man who sets his heart on understanding and following these regulations is headed down the right path; the path of righteousness. One who chooses to ignore what was given to him by God is on path number two; the wicked path.
Doing ‘good’ isn’t all that is required to be on the ‘path of righteousness’. The words “his delight” and ‘sets his heart’ are essential to this path. Even those who aren’t following the Lord can ‘do’ good things. They can choose to be fair in their business practices. They can give of their finances to those in need. They can even look like the nicest person in the world WHEN IT SUITS THEM. But the heart is the key to committing to one path or the other.
The reward of the path of righteousness is a firm foundation that can stand against any storm. Those who focus their hearts on the Lord and choose a relationship with Him develop deep roots that hold fast, even in times of drought. They know where to seek nourishment in both good and bad times.
This book is written for those choosing this path. It is also written for those who are ‘considering their options’. God is calling out to those on both paths through the words of Psalms. He calls the righteous to a deeper relationship and the wicked to reach out to Him. Join me in singing His praises and crying out to Him alongside David.
Father God, THANK YOU for the psalms of David. I know he didn’t pen them all but he started the collection. Help me to hear them with a fresh heart as I read them again Father. Quicken my heart and help me pull even deeper into Your presence through these words of love. Pour out my soul and pour into it a new and fresh filling of Your Spirit. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
March 9, 2022 @ 7:20 PM
I’ve missed a few days of reading because… well, life. So I will have to catch up. But I wanted to comment on your work with Psalm 1 and say that The Book of Psalms is my favorite, also. Our songs of praise, lamentants, and requests must be based on solid Theology and there’s no better place to find examples of how to do that, than in the Psalms.
March 12, 2022 @ 4:05 PM
I agree! I LOVE that so many of the psalms are used in praise and worship times even today. I can’t help but read them with their melody. And they have provided SO MUCH comfort for me over the years.
Thanks for commenting and I pray I do His word justice as we walk through my favorite book.
Love you bunches Aunt Vicky 🙂