Ezekiel 23:1-49 Two Lewd Sisters

God likens the cities of Samaria and Jerusalem to two lewd sisters. Not just the cities proper but the kingdoms that called these their center.
One thing I noticed right away was that the “sisters” were NOT virgins when God took them to Himself. God says that they were already ‘giving themselves’ while in Egypt. We know this because, when Israel came out of Egypt, she was still clinging to the idols of Egypt. She even cried out to return to Egypt whenever things got tough. She claimed to be clinging to God but her love of the idols and life in Egypt wasn’t too far below the surface. NOT that the life in Egypt was easy but that they thought the life with God was harder.
When comparing the ‘two sisters’ God says the younger one was worse than the older. When the kingdom of Israel split, the northern kingdom created gods for themselves right away. Idol worship became their daily norm. Some remained committed to God, but most bowed to whatever they could get their hands on. Baal was the biggest draw. The golden calves were the national replacement for God. They didn’t even pretend to be faithful to God. After a time, God said “ENOUGH” and brought her to an end.
Judah had the Temple of the Lord in her midst. They also had the legacy of David’s faithfulness to God. But these were not enough to keep her faithful. God calls this sister worse because she pretended to be faithful to God while holding tight to her idols. One hand supposedly clinging to God and the other grasping for any idol that she could see. Thing is, she had to ‘turn loose’ of God’s hand in order to reach many of those idols. One of the most detestable things she did to God was to serve her idols in the morning, then turn and pretend to be faithful to Him in the afternoon. Coming to Him in HIS house without even wiping the smeared lip-stick from her face. This would CERTAINLY be upsetting to ANY ‘husband’. God has had ENOUGH of this sister’s behavior too.
What is coming to the ‘younger sister’ is ALL her own doing. HER actions have brought her Husband to the brink of despair. He calls those she has gone after, even the ones she turned away from in disgust, to come and make an end to her. “Bring up a vast host against them, and make them an object of terror and a plunder. And the host shall stone them and cut them down with their swords. They shall kill their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses” (verses 46-47). But even THIS act has a purpose that will result in good.
“Thus will I put an end to lewdness in the land, that all women may take warning and not commit lewdness as you have done” (verse 48). When God brings the people of Israel back, they will NOT go after idols again. They will have learned this lesson well. There will still be ‘idols’ in the hearts of man but not on the scale of the nation bowing down to carved images again. No more physically sacrificing the children on the altar to a god for some favor.
In truth, idolatry is alive and ‘well’ today. Anything that takes the place of God in your heart is an idol. It doesn’t have to be a carved statue or even a physical thing. If you put your trust in your finances to keep you safe from this world, it has become your idol. GOD is the ONLY One that can keep you safe. He is our provider. We have NOTHING apart from Him. When we expect our fame to secure us a place in this world, that becomes an idol. Our place in this world belongs to God. HE exults and humbles. NOTHING this world has to offer can hold a candle to what God has for those who love Him. DON’T put ANYTHING between yourself and God! He is bold enough to knock it down and watch it fall. And if you refuse to turn loose, you will fall with it. Don’t make God teach you this lesson the HARD WAY. Listen early and check in often so you know the health of your heart.
Father God, I PRAY there are NO idols standing between us. I know I keep getting distracted by several projects I’m working on right now, but YOU come FIRST. I want to always keep our relationship free of debris or blockages. Any time You do need to ‘knock down and idol’ in my life, help me to quickly burn it up and never return to it again.