Psalm 65:1-13 Our Provider

David is praising God for all He does for His children and even the earth. He is our provider and He does so in abundance!
Much of this psalm focuses on the works God does. It rejoices in the abundance He provides to all the earth. I’m assuming David is singing about God’s caring for nations and people beyond Israel too as he comments on even the wilderness receiving from God. And we know this to be so, God providing for all, for He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. Jesus Himself tells us this in Matthew 5 when He tells us not to worry. God cares about our needs.
David also focuses on just being with God in a relationship. “Blessed is the one You choose and bring near, to dwell in Your courts!” (verse 4a). Bringing each person near includes forgiveness for “iniquities” and salvation. David finds satisfaction in just being in God’s house in His holiness.
While reading our passage and writing this I was reminded of the five love languages. These languages are how we receive love and how we show it. Each person is said to have at least a primary and secondary love language for receiving love. “Speaking” to another in their love language enables them to more fully appreciate and recognize the love you are conveying. It also motivates them to reciprocate that love to you.
The five love languages are: Words of affirmation; Quality time; Physical touch; Acts of service; and Receiving gifts. My husband’s primary is physical touch and his secondary is quality time. I work hard to meet his needs for love in the ways he recognizes it best. Mine are words of affirmation and acts of service. Quality time ranks third for me and acts of words of affirmation rank third for him.
I was wondering which language is God’s favorite. David is using “Words of affirmation” and “Quality time” as his expression of love to God. Just being in God’s presence is fulfilling and draws praise from David’s lips. He offers these words to the Lord.
David next turns to how God is expressing His love towards man. God gives AMAZING gifts to all mankind but even more so to those who love Him. He is expressing “words of affirmation” but is doing so while recounting the “acts of service” he recognizes as love shown towards him. I would say that David’s languages would probably be “acts of service” and “quality time” in his relationship with God. Did these same languages carry over for his human interactions?
I asked that last question because I was thinking about the languages that came out on top for me. They are not what I value most when relating to God. I would have to say that “quality time” is my number one with Him. That’s probably why I can visualize spending time sitting on a bench with Jesus and sharing all my questions. I know I can’t truly physically touch my Father in Heaven but I feel SO BLESSED when I feel Him wrap His arms around me or I envision myself sitting on His lap looking at our “scrapbook.” I suppose that’s another reason I love the song This Warrior is a Child too. It speaks of Him physically picking me up and holding me when I’m exhausted or defeated. I truly believe that this vision of God holding me is what has kept me alive during my hardest times. I could see myself curling up in his lap and Him wrapping me in His loving arms. I don’t sit still as long as I used to now. I see myself the curious toddler now wanting the stories instead of the rocking and holding as much. I wonder what He thinks about my imagination. Does it bring a smile to His face? Does He shake His head and chuckle? Does He shake His head in frustration, waiting for me to ‘grow up’? Maybe a little of all of the above. Does He ever do the ‘face-palm’ and think “Not again!”? How about looking down with a cocked eyebrow and thinking, “Now just where does she think she is going with that?” Maybe that’s His thoughts today.
Father God, I want to show You my love in the way You most desire it and have designed me to express it. Thank You for my imagination. I suppose so many of my ‘thank Yous’ are words of affirmation. And they too are in response to gifts of service You have given me but also in appreciation of the quality time we spend together. I’m sure it could be better quality but just being in Your presence is enough for me. Keep me always coming and spending time with You. I LOVE our time together, even if it is not actual physical touching. Someday it will be. I’m looking forward to that day.
Thank You also for all the gifts You have given me. From the warmth of the sun to the finances You bless my family with. Each one of Your gifts is truly appreciated. I KNOW You care for me always.