Psalm 49:1-20 Hear This

This psalm starts by calling ALL the world to attention. Hear this! Wealth is not EVERYTHING. It does NOT save you. Only God can.
I like how this psalm starts out. Grabbing everyone’s attention. The author had something of great importance to say. It wasn’t just for Israel or even the lands nearby. It is a message for the whole world to hear. It is a message that is as relevant today as it was the day it was penned.
When I read the subtitle that my bible lists I was expecting something different. Mine titles it “Why Should I Fear in Times of Trouble?” I was expecting to read about God’s saving hand in times of trouble. Instead, we read about how money doesn’t matter. How money can’t save anyone.
“Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice, that he should live on forever and never see the pit” (verses 7-9). Money doesn’t save anyone in the end. Yes, it’s helpful in this world. We use it in exchange for a LOT of things. But that is its only value. Having more of less of it doesn’t matter at all to God. He has no need of it, as He can meet our needs without it. It cost Him not a denarii to feed the fledgling nation of Israel for 40 years. God is just as able to stretch what we have today as He was when He sent Elijah to the widow. He KNOWS our needs and provides for them in one way or another.
DO NOT trust in money! It WILL fail you. Do NOT hoard it or chase after it for then it becomes your god. All those who have money as their god will find in the end that it amounts to NOTHING. It cannot give you eternal life. And it has NO power beyond the grave. Those who die with money as their god will meet together again WITHOUT it in Hell.
There was a joke/story that I heard once that makes great sense here. A rich man was dying and wanted to bring something with him into Heaven. He had a suitcase of gold bricks buried with him. When he met Peter at the gates of Heaven, Peter asked him what was in the suitcase. The man opened the case with great pride and showed Peter its contents. Peter looked at it and with a puzzled look on his face he asks, “You brought pavement?” Gold has no value in Heaven other than as aesthetics.
Back to the original point; there isn’t enough money in all the world to ransom ONE person’s soul. NO amount of money can buy your way into Heaven. There is something MORE precious than money though that does both. That is the blood of Jesus Christ. HIS blood is worth more than all the wealth ever created. And He gave His blood to ransom us from eternal death. You CANNOT buy it with gold. You can’t even rent it for a time. God’s gift is FREE to all who ask. It cost you nothing except belief, and it grants you everything in eternity.
Father God, thank You for Your gift of Jesus! Thank You that because of Him I can spend eternity with You! Thank You also for providing for ALL my needs. There have been MANY lean times in my life where I had to look harder to You for my ‘daily bread’ but You ALWAYS provided what I needed. Now there is more abundance in finances but they WILL NEVER replace You in my heart! Thank You for giving me enough to share with those in need. That’s another way You meet the needs of Your children.
YOU are my hope and my salvation. NOTHING else can fill that place. YOU are my God and King. In YOU I put my trust.