Psalm 14:1-7 Fools Say

Another lament from David about the state of society. “Fools say there is no God” refers to the morally bankrupt people who refuse to acknowledge His existence.
Just because you don’t believe the ‘truck’ is there doesn’t mean that if you step out in the road in front of it, it won’t hit you! My Bible helps tells me that this is the kind of ‘fool’ David is referring to. Those who refuse to accept the truth and who feel there is no consequence for their actions. This isn’t just a person who is confused or slow in learning but a man who purposefully shuts the doors of his heart to the truth all around him.
When David wrote this psalm he was looking to the nations beyond Israel who refused to believe in the God of Israel, even after seeing all the evidence. He was probably also speaking of any of the Israelites who had walked away from God too. Any and all who refused to acknowledge the truth.
David was also speaking of ALL mankind when he said there was not a righteous one among us. We are NOT righteous apart from God. We have ALL sinned at one point or another in our lives. THAT was the reason we need Jesus. And you would have to be a fool not to recognize and admit that fact.
This psalm could have been written TODAY. There are so MANY people who are calling evil good and good evil. They are oppressing the poor and needy. They are saying there is no God and “even if He did exist He has no bearing on their lives.” I have news for them. They are in for a rude awakening!
The way the world is going right now, those who refuse to believe may not face ‘consequences’ on this side of the grave but you can be CERTAIN they will face them on the other. God is not mocked and He WILL keep His promises. One of those promises is that each man will have to stand before Him and account for his life.
I was on Facebook the other day and saw a post that I had seen several times in the past. It spoke of non-believers who are offended by those who believe in God and Jesus. It begged the question of what has the believer lost if after he/she dies they find there is no God. The other side of that question is what does the non-believer risk when he is wrong?
No Virginia, there is no Santa Clause but there IS a Heaven and there is a Hell. And God is REAL.
God also cares for His people on BOTH sides of the grave. He knows our needs and He hears our prayers. There isn’t a promise of roses and sunshine every day but He does promise to walk with us every step of the way. Jesus gave us His name and authority to use it over the schemes of the Devil. We won’t need that in Heaven so it is most CERTAINLY for use NOW. Let Him lead the way on your journey. He won’t steer you wrong!
Father God, thank You that I don’t have to be afraid when so many in the world are turning against You. It just means You are one step closer to calling me home to be with You. One moment closer to the Wedding Supper. One day closer to Jesus reigning on this earth.
I’m watching the skies Lord but I’m also praying for the people who are suffering now. Those being persecuted because of their faith, those under physical attack, and those who are struggling with the truth. I know You hear and see each of them. I pray Your hand of protection over them as they also call on You. I add my voice to theirs in prayer.