Proverbs 23:12 Wise Words #11

Seek the Lord in His word. Listen to ALL He has to teach you. THIS is the way to the Father’s heart. He will share His with you when you come to Him.
I find it interesting that, before I even read today’s text, I was praying for this very thing. I was praying that I would fully attend to what His Spirit has to share with me today. I was asking for clarity of mind and full attention to His words. Yes, I pray something like that each morning, but today’s felt deeper. Maybe He was preparing me for today’s wise words even before I read them.
Which brings me to “the verse of the day” that I receive from KLOVE (a Christian radio station). “I will answer them before they even call to Me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (Isaiah 65:24 (NLT)). BOTH things happened in succession, this being the first of them, as I was preparing for time with my Lord. Coincidence? I don’t think so. He did just as He said He would in the verse for today. He answered before I even formed the request on my lips.
God’s word, from first to last, is ALIVE and relevant to our lives. Only by getting into His word and searching out how to apply it to our lives can it have the effect it is intended to. It does no good sitting on the shelf. Pick it up, dust it off, and DIG IN! There is life in it for those who will look for it.
When you search you WILL find wisdom contained in His words. Wisdom that is as relevant today as it was the day it was penned. But it is useless to us unless we apply it to our lives. God’s wisdom brings LIFE. His instructions keep us from harm. They are like a favorite blanket or shirt. When you put them on (apply them to your life) they bring comfort and safety.
His words are also correction when I have wandered, a map for the road I should walk, and a light in the dark places. Yes! ALL these things can be found in His word. A LOT of what you receive from His word depends on your attitude when you pick it up. If you come out of drudgery and duty, there are few ‘pieces of gold’ found. When you come with a ‘hungry heart’ there is a FULL meal found in EVERY verse. Ask Him and He will open His word to you. Seek with a willing heart and He will guide you to the hidden truths He has buried within. And they are not buried so deep that you have to ‘dig for days’ to find them. There are MANY truths in each verse. How much you receive depends on how willing you are to do the work. How long you are willing to wait. And how serious you are to finding understanding.
“How long have you got today My child? Are you here for a ‘breeze by’ or do you really want to know the wonders I have for you?”
Father God, forgive me please for ALL the times I ‘breezed by’. My heart’s desire is to KNOW YOU more EACH day. To sit with You and learn of Your plans for me and the rest of this world You have created. I want to apply ALL that I have learned to my life; especially to my walk with You. Remind me of this morning when I am tempted to ‘grab and go’. And help me carry the lessons we share into the rest of my life. Not just for a day, but forever.