Proverbs 22:17-21 Get Ready for MORE

We come to the beginning of 30 distinct words of wisdom. Many of them repeat what Solomon said. Get ready though because there is more to come!
Today is the introduction to a master list of distinct proverbs. They are sayings that are a bit easier to remember than the total of all Solomon penned. Though the actual author is unknown, we STILL see the Holy Spirit in charge and sharing God’s wisdom with us.
Many of the concepts are VERY familiar. Some of the wording is too. The upcoming instruction lends itself to easier division and most likely no single stand alone topics thrown in the middle of other thoughts. The 30 ‘sayings’ wont take us to the end of this book but they will take time to go through them.
In our introduction we find a promise. If you will listen to the words written here AND apply them to your life, “it will be pleasant” for you. They will also provide you with answers that you can share with others when they ask you what you believe and Whom you follow.
I have a few of these already memorized but will be working to commit more of them to memory as we go along. I want that promise for my life. Before we go ANY farther though, I want to state that knowing and keeping these proverbs does NOT guarantee you will never encounter problems. What it does mean is that, even in the middle of the storms, you will have God’s words to cling to. THOSE words and His character WILL see you safely through to the other side.
God made sure that His wisdom remained long after those who first spoke it have died. He had these 30 key points committed to paper so we can have them today. THAT is love; and foresight.
Father God, thank You for having me in mind when You gave these words of wisdom to man. Thank You for preserving them throughout time so I could read Your full intent. Help me commit these to memory and actually live them out in my life. I’m ready Father. Bring on the lessons!