Proverbs 18:13 Wise in Waiting

A sound piece of advice Solomon gives us today. It is important in EVERY aspect of our lives. There is wisdom in waiting until you hear ALL the question/request.
Have you ever been around someone who finishes your sentences for you? If so, did they always express what you intended? Or did they let their agenda take over. I’m reading a fun book and the mayor of the town in it does this all the time to people. But his finishes always favor him and his agenda. He took their rejection of his ideas and turned them into a positive for him. If he were doing that to ME I would go on and tell him what I wanted to say instead of being bowled over by him.
Have you had someone ask you to make a promise BEFORE they laid out all the conditions? “Promise you won’t get mad.” “Promise me that, no matter what,…” This kind of agreement can get you into a LOT of trouble. Not knowing what you are committing to can be downright dangerous. What if they are asking you to bind yourself to them as they commit a crime?
Have you ever answered a question you thought was being asked, only to find out you really didn’t know what was being asked. There is a spoof with this of a commercial. There is a woman who is answering all the game show questions before the host even gets a couple words out. Then the announcer says, “See, mom always knows best.” This can get you into a lot of trouble, and make you lose on any game show.
We are an impatient people. We want what we want and we want it now. This is especially true of children, those who have no patients, and those who think they know everything. Like the person who refuses to even glance at the instructions. Or the ones who refuse to stop and ask for directions when they are driving.
The idea the Holy Spirit was speaking of through Solomon probably covers all these examples but I want to draw attention to the middle supposition. I want to give a little extra weight to the one concerning promises without hearing what you are committing to.
In Israel, a man’s word was his bond. If he breaks his word he will be put out by the people AND by God. Promises were not extracted lightly in Israel. They were formalized so that all parties could bear witness to ALL the details. Today we have lengthy contracts with clauses at the bottom of them. We need to take time to read ALL the fine print. Otherwise we are liable to get into trouble.
God is telling us, through Solomon, to KNOW what we are committing to BEFORE making a promise. He calls us to keep our word; “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’” (Matthew 5:37a). How can we know if our response is still within His will if we don’t know all it entails?
Take time to fully hear and understand before offering an answer. It may save you a LOT of trouble in the end! It certainly pleases God when you are patient.
Father God, help me keep ALL my commitments. Help me have the patience to wait and find out ALL the details before making promises.
Holy Spirit speak up LOUD and CLEAR if I ever start to make a promise that goes against God’s will. I want Him alone on the throne of my heart. ”Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Let this always be my prayer AND actions.