Joshua 19:49-51 Joshua’s Turn

The land is now divided among all the tribes. Now it is Joshua’s turn to receive something for all he has done with Israel.
Before reading this section I wondered if Joshua was expecting this. I contemplated whether this was a surprise to him or not. After reading our text I realized that it was an answer to his petition instead.
Joshua waited until EVERYONE else had received their portion. He didn’t ask to go first. He didn’t even get on the bandwagon when Caleb asked for his special portion. Caleb and Joshua were the ONLY adults left from the first generation census. They served the Lord from the time of crossing the Red Sea until the dividing of the land. They were faithful and were rewarded for that faithfulness by God. Joshua gave Caleb his reward for faithfulness; Hebron. But Joshua would NOT give himself a reward.
Joshua was a humble leader. He followed the will of the Lord. He didn’t strike out on his own and make up his own battle plans; at least not very often. Joshua relied on God to make the decisions. And those decisions were final. NO ONE argued with their lot, the direction for taking a city, or even their punishment for sins. God said it to Joshua, he delivered it to the people and that was the end of it; most times.
With this gift to Joshua Israel would be the one awarding it. But even that was done according to God’s command. Joshua, like Caleb, had somewhere in mind that he wanted as his own. He had set up camp there and began to transform it to his own liking. It was his new home. Now Israel would work through the Lord to give him that home to keep forever.
Joshua made his request known. He asked for what he wanted when the time was right. And when he received it he used it to its fullest. He didn’t hide this gift away like the man with the one talent. Joshua rebuilt the city. He made a home for himself and his family.
God gives each of us gifts too. They may not be a grand as a city but they are still something form His heart. They are gifts that are meant to be used to their fullest. They are not to be hidden away or even left in their ‘original wrapper.’ He wants to see what we will make of them. Will we use them or hide them away. The choice IS ours but the reward for their use is HIS to give. I would much rather try and use what He gave me than simply sit on it. Who knows where He can take me when I put His talents in motion in my life.
Thank You Father God for the gifts You have given me. I pray I am pleasing You with how I use them. I know that not everything You have given me is being utilized to its fullest. Show me how, where, and when You would have me use Your gifts Lord. I want ALL I do to glorify You!