Job 42:1-6 Repentance

Finally! Job recognizes his sin. Repentance is his response and it is the only response appropriate to the situation.
God ‘questioned’ Job and poked holes in his assertion that he was beyond reproach. Job’s arrogance was laid bare in front of him. And that ‘teenage rebellion’ was snapped in two! Job plainly saw his sin. He even repeated his own words back to God to prove it.
Job had enjoyed a relationship with God for years but that relationship was a shadow of the one he was walking into now. He had “heard” of God but now he was “seeing” Him with his own eyes. That “sight” included the majesty of God and the smallness of Job in comparison. Job now hated how he had acted earlier. He saw it for the pridefulness it was. And he repented of it.
No more excuses. No more arguing back. Job saw his faults. He would learn this lesson well and carry it the rest of his life. The man who was a ‘gold standard’ for God would become ‘platinum’.
Father God, I pray I learn my lessons as well as Job did. It took quite a bit to get through to him but once he saw Your point, he surrendered to the truth. Not the first time, but eventually. You didn’t give up on him. And You don’t give up on me. THANK YOU for that Father!
Help me with what is happening right now in my life. Show me when to stand my ground and when to bend. Don’t let me be taken advantage of or take advantage of the person I’m having a conflict with. I ask You to care for him. But is it ok if I have nothing more to do with him? Give me wisdom in this situation Lord, and discernment.