Jeremiah 15:1-9 Four Things

God gave Jeremiah a message to share with Judah. Four things are coming for you. They will ALL be deadly and justly earned.
There is NO turning God’s hand away this time. Even if the most revered Israel ever had asked God directly to give Judah another chance, God would say “NO.” Too little too late. He has already given MULTIPLE ‘one more chance’ opportunities. He even held off while the people followed God under the leadership of King Josiah.
God specifically points out the people’s sins while under the rule of King Manasseh. The sins were SO BAD that they DEMANDED punishment. Manasseh took God as far away from the people as possible. He even shut up the Tabernacle AFTER profaning it with other gods. Manasseh actually repented at the end of his life, but his policies and practices were fully engrained in the people. It surprises me that King Josiah was able to pull the people back to God. He was the very next king after Manasseh.
But that turn around didn’t last. And, with God’s words through Jeremiah while Josiah was still on the throne, I wonder if those turnings outside the palace were real. Josiah’s heart was totally dedicated to God. And God honored that by holding back His hand of judgment.
There are four ways God is going to deal with this rebellious people. Pestilence/plague, sword, famine, and captivity. Of these, the one that still allows hope is captivity. The others result in death, where there is NO return. I have a feeling that those who did actually believe in and follow the Lord went this fourth way.
It is interesting that God counts out His four destroyers that will ravage the people beyond that which He has already loosed. The sword we already knew. But now He commissions “dogs to tear, the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy. I’m assuming that the drought will be so severe that the animals will turn on the people. We already read where there was no grass even for the wild donkey.
God is NOT being indiscriminate in His punishments. He says He has already winnowed the people. He has separated the wheat from the tares and appointed fates for each. This is why I think those who still loved God went the captivity route. The faithful are not the ONLY ones who went this route.
God had given the people PLENTY of opportunities to repent but they kept “going backwards”; getting worse. He has had enough and He acts. They couldn’t even blame Satan for this attack. God truly allowed it. And it would be a lesson for ALL those around Judah.
Judah tried to appeal to God on the basis of protecting His name. Well, He was doing just that by carrying out His word and punishment. I have no doubt that the other nations had heard of Judah’s predicament; of how they got there. They knew of Judah’s God even though they didn’t know Him personally. They had heard the stories of His jealousy. And they had watched as Judah became more and more like them. They helped them along! And now, they would see how God kept His word. How He could reach out and protect His name and reputation. It is a lesson to US even now!
This same lesson is about to be unleashed on the world. Since the death of Jesus, God’s standards and name have gone worldwide. His influence goes beyond the borders or Israel. It goes into the heart of EVERY man, woman and child. ALL have heard of Him, or they will have by the time He unleashes His judgment. And each person will be judged on their own relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus. NONE will be able to say, “But my leaders don’t allow us to follow Him.” Some may claim a corporate relationship for their nation but even those who used to, have eroded away.
Some who claim to believe but their hearts are not given to the Lord will face judgment also. They will face the fates and destroyers listed above too. He WILL keep His word. As surely now as He did in the days of Judah’s fall.
Father God, to the natural eye, this looks like You are almost cruel. But You’re NOT. You are a loving God through and through. But sometimes love requires HARD lessons. I wonder how many of today’s lessons will be brought out for those in the Millennial reign to take note of. Without this ‘end of patience’ story, who knows how far man would push. It is as important to know that You have limits as it is to know that You are patient, loving, and full of grace. Forgiveness loses its beauty when it is COMPLETELY unlimited. Forgiveness is a precious gift that cost Jesus every ounce of blood! NEVER let me forget the cost Father God; to You and for me. Help me TRULY feel the weight of it every time I’m in need of it.