Isaiah 66:7-14 Mother’s Care

Jerusalem will provide a mother’s care for all who come to her after God creates her anew. It will be a miraculous transformation and beginning.
I believe that this transformation, or birth, will happen in one of two time periods. The first would be when Jesus sets up His millennial kingdom here on earth. The second would be in the new Jerusalem that God sends from Heaven. I do NOT see this prophecy happening in our world today or the time of the bible; old or new testament.
Jesus will establish His throne in Jerusalem during His reign here on earth. We have seen this mentioned several times in scriptures. Men will be drawn to Jerusalem from all corners of the globe. And they will find comfort, rest, teaching, direction and joy within her. The reason they will find these things isn’t because of the location but because of the Ruler. Jesus will be what draws men unto this place.
The imagery of the first two verses is interesting. Having birthed four children myself, this speaks to me. I have known one or two people who didn’t experience labor pains at all. One lady I met related to me a story of her first pregnancy. She said that while she was at her doctor’s office for a checkup, her doctor told her that her child was coming NOW! With one push and no pain she gave birth to a 9-pound baby. That was certainly NOT my story!
In Isaiah’s description the ‘woman’ gives birth without pain and at an unexpected time. We are not told the exact day or hour of Jesus’ return. I’m pretty sure that there will be a general idea once the rapture happens. Those who had a passing knowledge will begin counting. Those who were on the fringes will repent and start counting too. At the exact moment God has already chosen, the sky will split open and Jesus will descend onto the battle field. It will hurt Satan but the saints will feel no pain as He establishes His kingdom. Her Son is ‘born’; her King has arrived!
God has promised to do this and He will NOT change His mind. He has been working up to this moment for a LONG time! It’s one more step in His plan. His ultimate plan is to live with man forever. For sin to be wiped away and death forever defeated.
I believe this time in Jerusalem being spoken of is during Jesus’ millennial rule as our last verse in our reading speaks of God’s enemies. Apparently, they are still some to conquer. And as we have noted before, sin will not be completely wiped out until after God’s Great White Throne judgment time. This will follow a second battle with Satan and those he deceives after the millennial rule of Jesus.
My curiosity speaking here. I wonder how long that ‘time’ will be; between the release of Satan and his FINAL fall. He has to have time to muster his forces. Time to again deceive man. I’m also wondering if Jesus will still be reigning in Jerusalem during that time. I’m sorry for dragging you here. It is something I have been thinking about on more than one occasion. Since men still die during this time, I doubt it is something you or I will have to worry about.
Father God, only YOU know when it is time. No matter how good a guess I make, it is only a guess. But when that day comes, I would LOVE to see it! I know I will see what is happening from Heaven during Your judgment time and during the tribulation time; IF I want to look. I’ll be too busy praising You to worry about what is going on down on earth. Wherever I am, as long as it is in Your presence, I’m happy!