Isaiah 66:15-24 Work To Do

When Jesus returns to earth there will be work to do for Him and those who serve Him. “I will send survivors to the nations…And they shall declare My glory among the nations. And they shall bring all your brothers from all the nations as an offering to the Lord” (verses 19b, 19d, 20a).
It wasn’t that long ago that I was wondering what roles we would have to play during Jesus’ millennial reign. That question is answered to day. Not only will believers be coming to Jerusalem to be in the presence of Jesus but they will also go out from there to witness to the nations. Every person they bring back to Him will be as an ‘offering’; an act of love for both Jesus and the new brother or sister.
Here is something else that just popped into my head. I can see that there will be offerings but will there also be sacrifices? I’m thinking probably not, as Jesus was our ultimate sacrifice and we have no need of another. This also begs the question as to whether the “survivors” will have times of sin. I’m assuming that the “survivors” are those who made it through the tribulation alive. Some will have given their lives to the Lord and others won’t have done so. The time of EVERY knee bowing and EVERY tongue confessing apparently doesn’t come yet either, unless God allows them to go back on their proclamation after Jesus sets up His kingdom.
(Side note here. I’m having trouble knowing if the ‘k’ in this kingdom is a ‘K’ of a ‘k’. This is Jesus’ kingdom on earth but it is not the FINAL Kingdom of God. I know. It may be a small thing to some, but this letter issue to me speaks of glory and reverence. Jesus’ kingdom on earth will be of GREAT importance and honor and it will have His glory present in it. But is it THE Kingdom of eternal promise? It’s a step in that direction to me but not the final step. So forgive me if you feel it should be a ‘K’ instead.)
During Jesus’ reign on earth we will apparently be continuing His work of witnessing to the world. It may be easier to convince the lost of the truth of the gospel now that they can see Him ‘in the flesh’. They can put a tangible face to the stories of His love and, no doubt, have witnessed the truth of the prophecies. They will be on the other side of another promise; that of His return and reign. I don’t see how they could deny His Lordship after that. Especially those who see Him descend out of Heaven and the battle He wages against those gathered together.
Will these events be like the stories of the bible? The generations of Israel who weren’t eye witnesses to the Red Sea parting weren’t as convinced as those who did see it first-hand. After 1,000 years will people start to doubt the reports of Jesus’ descension from Heaven? But then again, Jesus will have been on the throne the WHOLE time. There will be no denying that as man will still be living but 100 years. That should lend a LOT of credence to the testimony of the believers!
Even with ALL THIS, there will STILL be those who refuse to believe. They will be the ones who join Satan when he is released for the final time. At the end of that battle is when the final judgment comes. I’m pretty sure this is the time when EVERY knee bows and EVERY tongue confesses. Their realization will come just a bit too late.
I don’t know what those who were taken away in the rapture of the saints who were killed during the tribulation will be doing during this time. Do those who were taken alive in the rapture return and complete their lives during Jesus’ reign? Do the saints who were martyred during the rapture reign with Jesus during this time? There is so much that I don’t even have a clue about. Everything I have said is also what I believe, NOT necessarily what God has already planned. It is what I understand from His word. I trust Him to bring about HIS plan. Even if it differs from my understanding, I STILL trust Him.
Father God, thank You for helping me understand at least part of Your plan. I want to be part of it as much as possible. I don’t know what role You have for me but I will trust You with my WHOLE HEART. Lead me Holy Spirit. I will follow.