Ezekiel 43:1-12 New Temple Pt 6

THE most important part of the Temple is seen today. That part is the Glory of God FILLING it. Without His glory it is an ordinary building.
The plans that Ezekiel has been given are explicit and detailed. The structures described, the measurements given, and the decorations included are amazing. But, if this was all that there was to the new Temple, it would be no better than any other building ever constructed. This building has a special purpose that can only be realized by the inclusion of today’s instructions to Ezekiel.
Ezekiel was permitted to watch something that NO other person had ever seen. He was allowed to see God’s glory approaching from the east and actually come into the Temple. God’s glory filled the Tabernacle and the Temple Solomon made, but those present on the day His glory first entered those structures didn’t see it as it approached from the east. With the Tabernacle, they saw a cloud descend on it from above. With the Temple Solomon built, God sent fire to consume the sacrifice, then His glory filled the Temple. We don’t see this happen with the rebuilt temple or with Herod’s Temple.
The Temple built by Herod had a MUCH MORE personal encounter with God. Jesus, Himself, walked the courts of that Temple. God was in the Temple in the flesh! But He would not remain there. Jesus cleaned God’s House twice while He was on earth but it would become filthy again. God would eventually allow this Temple to be destroyed as a new covenant was in effect. There was no need for the sacrifice any longer as Jesus had completed the work.
God has one more Temple that HE will have made. This final Temple will stand and be FILLED with God’s glory forever. I honestly don’t know where sacrifice fits into this picture, as Jesus has already done ALL the work. I TRUST God to know what He is doing though and He will explain it all to me, WHEN I have a need to know and am truly ready. For now, I will fall to my face in awe with Ezekiel as he witnesses the same vision he has already hade twice over. Ezekiel KNOWS what this sight means and takes it seriously.
Father God, THANK YOU for promising to make You final home with man. For making Your home in my heart! And for the promise of what is still to come. I want to stand and gaze at Your glory as it fills Your House one day. For now, fill my heart with Your presence at ALL times. Let YOUR glory shine through in all the things I do. Forgive me for EVERY time my actions decreased or tarnished Your reputation.