Ezekiel 36:22-38 For HIS Sake

God was about to do something big. Not for the sake of the children of Israel but for HIS sake; His name’s sake. The people would be brought home so that the nations would KNOW He is God.
Ezekiel is God’s prophet but he also sounds like a sounding board for Him. God shares His heart with Ezekiel. Israel has been rightly judged for her sins but it has had an impact on God’s ‘reputation’. God’s name has suffered scorn because of the people’s fate. His reputation was tied to their circumstances. God is going to do some ‘damage control’ for HIS name’s sake.
I have a feeling that the work He does was done in stages. I want to take a moment and list them, as I see them.
Stage 1 was to give His people “new hearts”. Without new hearts they would go back to the same ways they were doing before. He started this work by humbling the people. They thought themselves invincible because they called Him their God, even when they weren’t living by His decrees. Their stubborn hearts had to be made soft; a heart of flesh instead of one of stone.
Stage 2 was when Israel recognized their own sin. Only AFTER they recognized their sins would they be ready to repent. Their old hearts were not willing to accept the responsibility for their situation. The new hearts were. THEN they would ask for forgiveness. And God would grant it. Their repentance would be sincere and heartfelt.
Stage 3 was to wash them clean. Now that the people have truly repented, God can wash them clean. He promises to “sprinkle clean water” (verse 25a) on them to clean them from “all your uncleanness, and from your idols” (verse 25b).
Stage 4 is when God gathered them from the places where they were sent and brought them back to the land He had given them. This would be accomplished in the time of Cyrus. Ezekiel would not participate in this return because of his age but I’m sure his heart went with them.
Stage 5 was God bringing prosperity back to the land and the people. He would make the fields fertile again and bless the wombs of the people. They would grow to inhabit all the places that were left empty. BUT He said He would only do this last part AFTER they asked it of HIm.
Stage 6 would not come in the original returnee’s lifetime. It was the impartation of His Spirit to the people. This is the Holy Spirit and His presence would carry the work on the people’s heart even farther. We have received this portion of the promise. He is our Comforter, or Daily Presence of God, He is our ever present Companion who teaches us of God.
God has not finished with restoring the land and bringing His people into it. The final restoration will happen during Jesus’ reign on earth. This will also be the time He brings those of Israel who have accepted Jesus’ work on the cross for their salvation. This too requires a heart change that He is MORE than willing and able to do.
MANY hearts will be changed before that day arrives. Many are changing now! If you haven’t already, let Him change yours too.
Father God, THANK YOU for changing my heart! I KNOW what being stubborn means. My parent’s can attest to this! I appreciate Your Holy Spirit’s work in my heart more than words can express! You loved me before I even knew of You. And You STILL chose me! Your work in me is not complete yet. I know I still have a LONG way to go. But I KNOW You will complete it, in Your time.