Daniel 8:1-14 Ram & Goat

Daniel receives a second vision regarding the future kingdoms of the world. This one involves a ram and a goat. Both are very strong but both will fail too.
I had heard mention of this prophecy but don’t remember ever actually looking at it. I turned to my Bible Helps for understanding regarding this prophecy. Actually, the next section will interpret the vision for us. Let’s look instead at the imagery today.
I was wondering which looked more intimidating; a ram of a goat. To me, they both look intimidating! In Daniel’s vision, the horns have a LOT to say about the coming kingdoms. The pictures I see don’t show the kind of horns I see described in Daniel’s vision. The ram’s horns (in the pictures) are curved and spiral down on the side of the ram’s head. In the description of Daniel, I see the ram’s horns extending upwards. This is how one horn could clearly be seen as going taller or higher than the other.
The goat that rushes in and spears the ram has one central horn, to begin with. Most horned animals have a fairly matching set. One may be larger than the other but there are two of them; unless one is knocked off in an accident or in battle. So, these are no ordinary animals that Daniel sees. Their horns are IMPORTANT.
The horns represent kingdoms to come, in Daniel’s time. Most of them are already past in our time. Some would say that all have passed. But I’m getting ahead of our reading for today.
Daniel has now been given two visions during the time of King Belshazzar. Both concern coming kingdoms. We know, from our earlier reading, that Daniel didn’t hang out with this king. I wonder if the king even heard of Daniel’s visions. No where are we told that he shared them with the king or anyone else. This one, as well as the previous one, he kept in his heart. Meaning, he didn’t go out sharing them freely with anyone who came along. Can you imagine having such an important revelation and at least partial knowledge and keeping it quiet? At least God let him write them down to share later.
I’m curious why the specific location is stressed in this vision. This battle could have taken place anywhere. While thinking about that question, I went and Googled the location. I found out that it was the capital of the Persian empire and the location of the royal palace. It was quite a distance from Babylon, where Daniel spent his days. That location had importance for the kingdoms to come. I believe, that is one piece we won’t see in the interpretation.
God doesn’t miss a thing! He may not tell us everything right away, but EVERYTHING He includes IS important. Daniel wouldn’t live to witness all of these events, but God wanted him to know of them so they would be recorded BEFORE they actually happened. And He included the location of the thrones!
There are those who say that the bible couldn’t possibly have made such accurate predictions. That these visions were made up ‘after the fact’. I ask, WHO BUT GOD would have gone so far as to indicate the precise location of the vision with the precise location of the seat of power of these kingdoms? Man’s not that great with his details and planning. Sure, he could have used the ram and goat and horns analogy but he would not likely set it in context of place too. So, think again scoffers!!! God KNOWS our beginnings and endings. He knows when we rise up and when we sit down. HE created it ALL and has not lost a SINGLE moment that has transpired.
Father God, thank You for making Your fingerprints SO clear! I honestly don’t know how anyone could doubt Your hand in this world. You are just as interested in my life as in the rest of the world. I trust You with EVERYTHING. I’m in YOUR hands and I KNOW I’m safe there. No matter what comes, You have me covered.