Daniel 7:13-14 New Ruler

Daniel sees a New Ruler installed. It is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of man. He will have dominion over all and His Kingdom will NEVER be destroyed.
As I’m writing today, it is Easter Sunday. The day we remember the work that Jesus did on the cross for us. More than that though. We remember that HE IS ALIVE and reigns on high. If it weren’t for His willing sacrifice, He wouldn’t be crowned as the New Ruler. His obedience to His Father’s will gibes His Father absolute confidence in placing EVERYTHING He created under Jesus’ dominion. And, as the flesh part of the Godhead, He is the perfect one to stand before man and receive all the honor due God as a whole. Jesus is God incarnate! HE is whom God, the Ancient of Days, hands dominion of the earth over to in Daniel’s vision.
This is a day that we are still waiting for. A day that both man and God look forward to. It will be glorious but it won’t be perfect, yet. There will still be sin in this world, but NOT like it is today. There will be NO MORE people who call you deluded or say you are ‘using a crutch’ for believing in Jesus. NONE will be able to deny or dismiss His existence. MILLIONS will flock to see Him and be in His presence. ALL the world will know His name and where He rules from. I can’t imagine wanting to be ANYWHERE but where He is!
As MUCH as I’m looking forward to Jesus’ crowning day by God, I’m still looking forward to the days when ALL WILL BE PERFECT. The days of a new Heaven and new Earth. One unspoiled by sin. One where God is FULLY with His people. Where Jesus rules without ANY opposition. I don’t think this isn’t the day that Daniel is seeing. I believe he is seeing the day of Jesus return and the start of His kingdom here on earth.
One of the things that always blows my mind is that God KNEW of this day too from the beginning. Talk about anticipation! Is He waiting for it like a child waits for Christmas? Is He counting the days? Only He knows when that day will be. Is He getting more excited, KNOWING what is coming, as He watches our world sink deeper in sin? He is the hand that snatches the drowning world from the brink of death. Unfortunately, one has to experience the ‘brink of death’ before one TRULY appreciates life. Only when we know what He has for us can we begin to KNOW life AND LOVE.
Fathe God, thank You for the ‘coming attraction’ feature. You made it ALL possible. I am SO looking forward to the days of Jesus’ reign her on earth. I’m REALLY looking forward to the days when ALL sin is gone! When death is no more. For now, one day at a time. I will cling to Your hand through EACH of them.
THANK YOU LORD JESUS! Thank You for EVERYTHING You have done and will do. There is NO WAY I can stand without You. You are my Hope. My Rock. My Salvation! I’m looking forward to seeing You with my own eyes. What color of robe will You wear? What will Your crown look like? Will You have a ‘Jewish’ nose? Will I be able to have alone time with You, as You will be ruling the entire world? You are God, so who knows but You. As hard as it is, I have to wait and see. I want to ‘open my gift’ SOON!