Psalm 58:1-11 There Is A God

David speaks directly ‘to’ the false gods of the world. “You are evil and there is no justice in you. You corrupt man. But there IS a God who judges in righteousness.”
After reading this psalm through a few times I come to believe that David is talking of the false gods who ‘require’ perverse sacrifices from their devotees. Those that call for the death of children or drinking blood. Those that call for rape or human sacrifices. These practices are an abomination to the Lord.
David sees the wicked things that these false gods inspire in their followers and how those acts lead to a wicked and perverse world. And those who practice such acts refuse to listen to the truth. David says they are “like the deaf adder that stops its ear, so that is does not hear the voice of the charmers or the cunning enchanter” (verse 4b-5). That is a DANGEROUS snake! Not only is it poisonous but it is also ‘immune’ to redirection. That is the man who follows after these false gods.
These people are dangerous. Don’t be fooled. David says they have “teeth” and “fangs of the young loins” (verse 6b). He calls on GOD to break their teeth and fangs. He asks God to vanquish them and utterly wipe them out. There WILL come a day when this happens but it is not time yet. That day is the day Jesus defeats the Dragon and his followers in the valley of Armageddon. We are told in Revelation that Jesus will be covered in blood up to his thighs after this battle. That description easily fits with David’s prophecy about Him bathing His feet in the blood of the wicked.
EVERY eye will see and EVERY tongue will confess that “surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth” (verse 11b). Until that day though we are not to cower from those lost to foreign gods. We are to pray for them and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. He may call you to plant a seed. He may have you watering ones already planted. He may call you to be part of the harvest. Or He may call you to pray as others do these tasks. WHATEVER role you are called to, KNOW that it is not by your own power that these people are freed. It is by the power of God that chains are broken. Let Him do the work and take the credit.
God DOES save even those who have thumbed their noses at Him for years. Until that last breath is drawn, there is still hope. Hope for an opening of the eyes. Hope that the truth will finally break through. Hope for an eternal life with Him. He doesn’t give up so neither should we!
Father God, thank You that You are bigger than ANY problem I face or any god man makes. I KNOW Who wins in the end and his name does NOT start with an S. I KNOW that I can trust You to work everything out in the end. And I KNOW that You have me firmly in Your hands and NO weapon formed against me will prosper. Satan may have ‘teeth’ but my Dentist is an EXPERT in extractions!!!