Psalm 92:1-15 Good to Give Thanks

You are SO worthy my God and Savior!
Our psalmist focuses on giving thanks to God for ALL His works to those who love Him. The righteous flourish while the wicked WILL fail.
“It is GOOD to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your name, O Most High” (verse 1, emphasis added). He is the source of all the music in MY heart! Yes, I sing songs that aren’t related to or directed to Him but without His presence in my life my heart is empty of music. I will sing to Him every day!
Have you ever noticed that the more you choose to look for the good and give thanks the more you find to be thankful for? I ran into that concept the other day and shared it with you. At first glance my day was one ‘disaster’ after another, until I started recognizing the blessings contained within those ‘disasters’. Once I saw them my heart once again sang with joy!
Our psalmist feels the same way. He doesn’t deny that there are wicked things that go on in this world but neither does he allow them to take the focus of his heart. He chooses to praise God. And he acknowledges the fate of the wicked. “That though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever” (verse 7).
This psalm isn’t attributed to David but I can see David’s life in it. I can also see the lives of anyone who has had to struggle against those who would seek to harm them or their downfall. This psalm sings of God’s deliverance from such people and of His exalting of those who serve Him. No, we don’t all become kings of nations but He lifts us above the muck of this world when we surrender our lives to Him. Who knows what wondrous things He has in store for those who follow where He leads.
No matter where He leads us, it is profitable for our lives and for His kingdom. I may only ‘sweep the floors’ but those floors SHINE with His reflection because I do it for HIM! And He gives us strength to continue in our service of Him. Not because He wants to prolong our ‘servitude’ but because His Spirit flows within us and we can’t help but dance in it! “The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are even full of sap and green, to declare the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him” (verses 12-15). As long as there is breath in me, I will sing praises to the Lord. When this life gives way, I will sing praises with the angels instead.
Father God, thank You for all You have done in my life. For filling me with music. For letting me share this way with others. EVERY day with You is wonderful, even when it has not so wonderful things happen in it. You are worthy of praise at all times. Thank you for protecting me from evil too. There are SO MANY things I could get tangled up with if it weren’t for Your Spirit! Help me with the things that I still fall prey too. I want a life that reflects You, all the way through.