Jeremiah 27:1-22 Prophesying Lies

Jeremiah his told to use another visual lesson. This one is for ALL the nations around Judah whose prophets have also been prophesying lies.
God specifically tells Jeremiah to prophesy to six different kings, including Zedekiah of Judah. All these nations are facing the rising Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar is building himself an empire, WITH GOD’S help. He doesn’t know it but God makes sure the other nations know Who is doing the work.
All the nations listed by God have at one time been on the other side in battle with Israel. Right now, though, they have all sent envoys to King Zedekiah. I’m curious what they discussed. Did they talk of an alliance? Did they share prophecies? Did they discuss surrender? Probably not that last one, as their prophets were all telling them that they would be fine. It didn’t stop at prophets spouting lies. The other nations were consulting their diviners, their dreamers, their fortune-tellers, and sorcerers. And Satan was deceiving them through every avenue of searching.
Can you imagine being Jeremiah? The lone voice to these nations telling them what God says. The voice that runs contrary to their desires and to every other paid seeker regarding the future. Jeremiah’s message was NOT popular. It was NOT one that anyone wanted to see come true. But it WAS the words of the Lord. AND it came with a promise.
The promise is not a beautiful one to accept. Put yourself WILLINGLY under Nebuchadnezzar’s rule and remain in your land. Remaining in the land would come with a price. It would mean working for Nebuchadnezzar, not for their own good. But they would be ALIVE! Resist Nebuchadnezzar and die. Not a death of ‘old age’ but one of battle, disease, starvation, insect bites, and every other horrible way that could be imagined.
This is the same choice God gave when Nebuchadnezzar was first attacking Jerusalem. Those who went out to him and surrendered would be taken captive, but they would live. Those who remained in Jerusalem would die.
The other nations whom God spoke to through Jeremiah didn’t know Him personally but they knew about Him. They knew His power on behalf of Israel. But this time, Judah was slated to face the same fate God said they would. I have a few questions here. Did Jeremiah give them their message at the same time he gave this same message to King Zedekiah? Did Zedekiah know the other nations had received the same prophecy? Did Zedekiah believe Judah would fare better that the other nations because of their ‘history’ with God?
At that point in time, Judah was no closer to God than the nations surrounding them. And THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. I would go so far as to say that Israel and Judah’s sin brought down the whole region. God’s hand came down hard on His chosen people and it landed on all those around them.
I’m not a history buff. In fact, I’m a pretty poor history student. I don’t know if any of the other five nations ‘stuck their neck in the yoke’ with Nebuchadnezzar or not. Judah started out under Nebuchadnezzar’s rule but Zedekiah rebelled against him and received what the Lord promised. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that all the other nations listed went through the same process of surrender, rebellion, then conquest.
What God was telling them to do went against conventional wisdom. Who would want to willingly surrender? But that was the way of life. The way GOD said to go. And it wouldn’t last forever. It would last through three generations. Some of the things God calls us to do are NOT easy. I doubt Jeremiah felt proud going about the city with his head bound into a yoke. I have NOT DOUBT he got some stares from the people; even those he directly spoke to. But God blessed what he did because he was obedient.
So, bottom line here; don’t dismiss anything you feel God is calling you to do out of hand just because it sounds counter intuitive. If it is illegal or immoral, run away. In today’s society, I might need to consider some of the ‘illegal’ directives as our government is in itself immoral. The 100% reliable place to check it out is with God’s word. He will NEVER tell you to do something that runs contrary to His word.
Father God, protect me from false prophets. Turn me away from any who would say they come in Your name but don’t. Help me to be able to recognize them right away. Help me also to be willing to follow You WHEREVER You lead; even when I don’t understand the journey or destination. YOU know the path and that is enough for me. I want to be ‘yoked’ with You.