2 Kings 23:21-27 Passover Is Back

After hundreds of years Passover is back. Not that it was missing but that not even David had the people celebrate it. Josiah does.
I had no idea that the Passover was not celebrated under David’s rule but our text clearly points that out. Could it be because the Tabernacle was not in Jerusalem with David? David was not above visiting the Tabernacle where it was placed. He even went there once while he was running away from Saul. That night he was given the showbread and Goliath’s sword.
Maybe it was because David was so busy building the nation of Israel. He fought MANY battles in his lifetime. He fought under Saul, independent of Saul and as king. God told him that he couldn’t build His house because there was too much blood on his hands.
Maybe David didn’t do as the Lord had commanded and make a copy of the Law to keep with him to study. This one sounds the least likely. But if David had the Law why didn’t he reinstitute the Passover?
Solomon was too busy making his wives happy to remember the Passover. In all his wisdom did he not once think of this most holy remembrance? He even made the Temple, yet neglected to observe this VERY significant day on its steps. This is the last chance for the Temple Solomon built for the Lord to stand and honor Him in this way. Josiah’s reign would be the last time Jerusalem would honor the Lord.
Josiah tried with all his heart to bring the people back to the Lord. He brought them along in a covenant to the Lord after reading the Book of the Law to them. He led them in demolishing all the high places and idols scattered about the land. Josiah called the people to observe the Passover. And Josiah ordered that ALL idols, necromancers, mediums, household gods and ANY abomination that was in the whole land of Judah.
I wonder what that first Passover feast was like. Was EVERYONE out for this celebration? Were there pockets of people who refused to join in? I imagine Josiah was flying the highest of them all! His heart was fully devoted to the Lord. And he wanted Israel’s to be so too. Maybe then the Lord would show them more mercy.
Josiah’s best efforts were not enough. There was STILL a price to be paid for the nation’s sin. God had made promises to His people. He had made promises regarding both good and bad behavior on their part. He could not keep one side and neglect the other. He was/is/always will be faithful to His word; ALL of His words. To forego the consequence side, even if He REALLY wanted to, would make Him a liar. THAT is something God can NEVER do. He is patient. He is merciful. He is forgiving. AND He is just. Justice demands payment. It may be delayed but it must be paid.
Josiah would be faithful to the Lord for the rest of his life. He would bring Israel along with him as much as humanly possible. And that was the best he could do. The rest would be up to each individual.
It is still up to each individual today. We don’t have an earthly king who leads and directs us in serving the Lord. We don’t have the Law of Moses which dictates our behavior. We have Jesus who fulfilled the Law and calls to each one of us to follow in His footsteps. We cannot rely on our parent’s relationship with God to get us through. We have to personally choose to follow Him. We have to sell out completely like Josiah.
Father God, thank You again that I am on this side of Your promise of redemption. I don’t know if I could have lived the life called for under the Law of Moses. I have trouble living as Jesus called me to at times. Thank You for Your forgiveness for those times! Thank You that the price for my sin is already covered by Jesus’ blood. There is no outstanding debt that requires You to walk away from me out of holiness. I will PRAISE YOU with my WHOLE heart for that!