1 John 1:1-4 Greetings John

“Yes Robbin. I too am looking forward to this journey.”
John starts his letter by telling us how REAL his relationship was with Jesus. He saw Him. He touched Him. He walked with Him. And he wasn’t alone in these experiences. But even more amazing than that, God testified of Him and they experienced God’s presence when they were with Jesus.
If you are anything like the rest of us, you have experienced what is called 20/20 hindsight. Something that you had no clue about or didn’t fully understand becomes crystal clear long after it has happened. This is what happened with the disciples walk with Jesus.
YES! They believed He was the Messiah. But so many of the things He said to them didn’t make sense until after His resurrection. This didn’t diminish their experience but once the light was fully on, it completed their understanding. No longer would we hear of arguments of “who is the greatest” or “who will sit on His right and left.” They also quit asking for Jesus to show them the Father. Not because they didn’t want to see Him anymore but they recognized the significance of Jesus and the Father’s relationship. “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).
Now they get to share that same insight with the churches. Not that they haven’t been already sharing it, but this time it is written down to be passed on to us, who had no chance of being there personally. I’m SO glad they did! “That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (verse 3).
So hold on dear brothers and sisters because I believe John is going to give us some very valuable insight. He is going to give us his firsthand experiences with the additional insight. He shared a lot of his firsthand experience in the gospel of John and some of his insights but I think we are going to get a larger dose of it now. Looking forward to those “meals” with the Father and John.
Thank You Father for 20/20 hindsight. Sometimes though my “vision” isn’t fully 20/20. Clean my glasses or give me a better prescription so I can take in more of what You have for me in this letter from John. I wanted to say “ALL” of what You have but I KNOW there will always be more waiting for when we come back together again. It is AMAZING how You make things that I have read many times come to life in a new way the next time we explore them. I wonder how many years it would take to exhaust ALL that You have for me in Your word. Probably MORE than a lifetime! I’m SO glad You are willing to walk with me through that lifetime and point out new pieces every day. Please keep my heart and mind open to Your insight as I begin reading the first of John’s three letters. Thank You for the excitement You have birthed in me today too for this letter. I can’t wait to see where You take me, and those who choose to come along on this journey with me too!