1 Chronicles 29:26-30 David Dies

David has come to the end of his life. He has done all he can to set things in order for his son Solomon. He is ready to meet his Lord.
The life of David was not an easy one but it was a blessed. He started life as the youngest brother out of a family with eight sons and at least two daughters. He learned to be a shepherd probably from the time he could first run about on his own. His skill in this area grew to the point that his father trusted him fully with the responsibility on his own, or at least as head of the hired shepherds.
God saw in David a heart that was tender towards Him and committed to the statutes the Lord had given the nation He loved. David was truthful, faithful, just, and trustworthy. He was strong and of good courage. He kept his head in times of difficulty, was resourceful, and could think on his feet.
David’s heart was full of music. It buoyed him in times of trouble. It carried him to soaring heights in times of victory. It filled the hidden places in his soul. And it connected him personally with his God. AND it was a gift from God which he passed on to the people.
David’s lifelong love was his Lord. Whatever season, trial, or victory met him in life he gave it to the Lord. He was not perfect. He made some serious mistakes but he never let them fester and separate him from the Lord. He was open to the Lord’s correction and responded to it immediately. He brought ALL his petitions before the Lord and asked for direction for his life in nearly all circumstances. And his heart’s greatest desire was to honor Him.
Sin touched David’s life like the lives of every man, woman, and child of this earth. There were times he forgot to ask God’s direction before embarking on a new direction. The first time he went to Gath was one of those times. His famous sin regarding Bathsheba and Uriah was another. He fell on his face before his God for forgiveness when the Lord called him to account. Would he have gone on without asking for forgiveness if God had not spoken directly to his sin? Probably; just like many of us would/do. He would have wiped his brow and been relieved he got away clean. But I also surmise that it would have eaten away at him until he did address it. I’m certain the separation he felt from the Lord would have driven him to seek a remedy at some point.
Day by day David rose to the highest rank in the nation of his God. He started that climb in service. Service as a shepherd to his father’s sheep, service as a musician to sooth his king’s soul, and service as a soldier in Saul’s army. He gained skills he would use continually in his life and build upon until he was one of Israel’s BEST fighters, tacticians, and leaders. He learned how to motivate the hearts of men, how to devise strategies for battle, how to interpret intents, and MOST importantly how to trust and follow the will of his God.
David’s patience was astounding! He never let go of the promises of the Lord but he never set his hand to seeing them into being. Many times over he could have put his hand out and taken the ‘rudder’ of his life and turned events to his will or timing. But he trusted in the Lord and put his very existence in His hands. He did not rush the fulfillment of God’s promises. He endured whatever trial came his way with commitment to do it GOD’S way. He wasn’t always perfect in seeking direction first but he KNEW where the ‘boundaries’ lay and he would NOT cross them, even to get to the result he desired faster. He pushed those boundaries a few times but when rebuffed by the Lord he immediately turned aside.
David’s fervent hope as he left this earth was for his son to have a like relationship with the Lord. He prayed he had done enough in the sight of Solomon for his to see the benefit of staying true to the Lord. David was already given a promise by the Lord that Solomon would build the Temple David had so longed to build. David had no fear that this would not come to pass. He KNEW God would see Solomon through this project but he didn’t know what Solomon’s heart would do once he was beyond this point. His speech before the assembly proved that out. David KNEW it was not in his hands to control the relationship of his son and his God. And he KNEW that his son’s relationship with the Lord would impact the peoples’. His forty years of faithful service to the Lord before the people left them all with a strong foundation that he prayed would hold for MANY generations to come. He could do no more. He laid his head down and died “at a good age, full of days, riches, and honor” (verse 28b).
He left a legacy that still touches people today. His foundational work as king of Israel set the stage for the true King. That King has not set down on His throne on earth but His works have done for ALL people what David’s couldn’t. He has paved the way for a lasting relationship with His Father for EVERY man, woman and child. No longer are the people’s relationship tied with the rulers of the nations. Each person chooses for him/her self the direction of their soul. Jesus’ work on the cross opened cleansed ALL sin and made a way for each of us to enter into the presence of God THROUGH Jesus. NO amount of good works or moral character can get us there apart from Jesus. He is our King that leads our spiritual nation to God. A legacy with even more promise than David’s! One that is nowhere near over yet!
Father God, thank You for laying the foundation for our relationship. I cannot imagine a life where I had to approach You through blood sacrifices and rituals. If we were still under the Law, I personally would have been barred from truly approaching You as I am a woman. THANK YOU for allowing and WELCOMING me into Your presence!
THANK YOU Jesus for making this possible! Words fail me in expressing the depths of my love and gratitude for all You have done. I know You have not promised me an easy road but You have promised to walk beside me through whatever comes. I want to trust like David trusted. I want to praise like David praised. I want to Sing like David Sang. And I want to LOVE like David LOVED.