1 Chronicles 1:28-54 Abram to Jacob

We continue on with genealogy. Only two generations but there are a LOT of others God needs to set in place before He continues with Israel.
This genealogy is more of the ‘back story’ than anything else. Genesis went over Abraham’s children quite well for us. The focus was on Abraham’s first two sons; Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was the first born to Abraham but he was not the son of the promise. Isaac would be that son. But Ishmael was not abandoned by God. His genealogy is told here for us.
Ishmael had 12 sons. When Hagar and Ishmael were driven from the camp God promised that Ishmael would also be the father of many nations. This is his beginning with the sons listed. Many of those nations that arose out of the line of Ishmael are Israel’s enemies to this day.
We next are told of the sons of Abraham through his concubine, Keturah. She gave Abraham six more sons after Sarah’s death. These sons were not the son of promise either but would become nations in their own right. One I recognize right away is Midian. They too would be against Israel.
Finally we are brought back to Isaac, who IS the son of promise. It is through Isaac that we continue the like of the people God called to Himself.
Isaac had only two children. They were twins but were about as different as two men can be. Jacob was a ‘homebody’ and stayed around the camp. He most likely took care of the livestock too as this would be how he made his fortune later on. Esau was a skilled hunter. He liked to go out and test himself against the elements. Jacob was loved best by his mother while Esau held his father’s heart. And knowingly, or unknowingly, the parents pitted them against one another.
It is interesting how God holds the line of promise to the end. We see this first with Isaac and now with Jacob. Esau’s line and the line of kings who surrounded him are brought out first.
When I was first reading through the genealogy I got stuck on Seir. I kept going back to see whose son he was. I even chased down the references in my bible only to learn that these were the lines of the kings around Esau. Genesis tells us that same thing but it alerts me that they are switching gears to the kings before getting to Seir’s name. He even goes into detail of their genealogy to bring us closer to the beginning of Israel as a nation.
God is setting the stage before He introduces Jacob/Israel. It’s time! But that is for tomorrow.
I’m curious why God chooses to move down the line of some of the sons and not the others. Is there something about the ones He chooses that we should know about them? I wonder if we will see them later. I guess we will wait and see.
Father God, please carry me with You during this genealogy progression. You know how I get bogged down or skim over the top of genealogy. You know it isn’t my ‘cup of tea’ but I refuse to skip ahead. EVERY word of Your word is important. I want to learn everything from Your word. Take me where You would Lord.