Proverbs 25:2-3 Nesting Knowledge

Just as there is a hierarchy to all things, there is also an order to how knowledge is shared. Knowledge fits like Russian nesting dolls; one holds the other, and so on.
Let me explain that reference a little. You have all probably seen the dolls that, when you take the upper part of the body off, it contains another doll in it. These dolls get smaller and smaller until the final one is revealed. The biggest doll reminds me of God’s standing when it comes to ALL things. He holds it ALL. He controls it ALL and without Him we would all be exposed to the elements. He is my covering and safety.
But He is also the source of knowledge. He contains it all and there is NO WAY we can reach the end of His supply. The next ‘doll’ in the stack is the next in line under Him. In this proverb, it is the king. The king has been given the task of ruling the people with an upright heart. One of his main tasks is to search out God’s knowledge on how to rule the people. Under the king come his commanders and advisors. And so it goes to the lowest man in the ranks.
EVERY doll is important as they wouldn’t fit together right if one were missing. But not every doll is interchangeable. They each have their own unique place in the structure. Each one has a little less mass, and if translated into a volume, each one could hold a little less.
My vision is of God pouring out His wisdom and filling each little doll. By their ‘role’, each has a limit on how much wisdom it can hold. The higher the need for that wisdom, the larger the ‘container’ to hold it. EVERY ‘container’ has space for some. None are left empty.
The reason I say all this is because this proverb speaks of how unsearchable God’s heart is to man and how the same goes for the king and his subjects. The king’s job includes searching for wisdom to help him rule the people. A wise king is MUCH better than an arrogant king who thinks he already knows it all.
Solomon’s first request, when asked by God what he wanted, was for wisdom. God’s response was an almost ‘gob smacked’ response. We know He knew what was coming but His response was to praise Solomon for such a wise choice AND fulfill desires that Solomon didn’t feel were as important. Solomon KNEW he couldn’t rule God’s people without His wisdom. The fact that Hezekiah searched the proverbs of Solomon says he knew this too!
As one of those ‘smaller nesting dolls’ I’m happy to receive the wisdom He feels I need. I’m always in search of more though and I don’t think He denies that request. We are not really limited by our ‘size or station’ but by how willing we are to search out God’s wisdom. There are those who need it more and NEVER ask for it or search for it. THAT is a sad state of affairs! And a lot of why our world is in the shape it is today.
Father God, FILL ME TO BURSTING with YOUR wisdom. Fill my heart with YOUR LOVE. Not so I can be ‘superior’ to anyone but because I want ALL of You that You will give me. I want to be like Mary Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life as George describes her after swallowing the moon. Let Your love and wisdom radiate out my fingertips, through my eyes, and be seen in everything I do. Not so others will look at me but so they can see You through me and You IN me.