Zechariah 6:1-8 Four Chariots

Four chariots with teams of horses are sent out to patrol the earth. God’s army was on the move. And He is STILL moving today.
We have seen a vision with horses in it already in Zechariah. The second time God speaks to Zechariah, He uses three different colored horses. These horses were unyoked with one another and they most likely had riders on their backs. We aren’t told how many of them there were in this grouping. But their mission was the same as the horses we meet today; to patrol the earth.
When we were given four different colored horses, I wondered if they were the same colors as the four horses of the apocalypse. I had to look it up. I found that the dappled one is replaced by a “pale” horse. Also, the apocalypse horses are single horses with their horsemen. They are not a yoked pair pulling chariots.
The angel tells Zechariah that these yoked horses with their chariots go in four different directions. But only two directions are mentioned. It looks like two groups go to the north. That is what my bible helps say too, but I wonder if that is right. They can’t be headed to the “four winds” if only two directions are patrolled. And only three groups are specified as being put into action. Is it possible that the second horses that went out went either east or west; a direction in between north and south? That would leave the last horses and chariot going to the opposite of the middle group. Was the angel listing the directions in a circle?
We also don’t see riders/drivers in the chariots. Were there drivers? I imagine there would have to be in order to keep the horses on their path and moving with purpose. NOT that God can’t direct animals as easily as He directs man.
The territory to the north was “at rest” in both the visions. The angel asked God how long He would wait before punishing the north for the way they treated His people in the earlier vision. This time, their state is simply mentioned. My bible helps says that they “are at rest so that they will not be a problem for Israel again. I wonder about this. Unless this is a vision for the time of Jesus’ reign on earth, Israel is never free from enemies from the north. There have been periods of less war but never total peace. Only God can bring the “rest” that is so desperately needed.
The most comforting part of this whole vision is KNOWING that God and His army are patrolling the earth. NOTHING happens without His notice. NOTHING can stop His plans. And NOTHING can snatch His children from His grasp. I’m MORE than glad to have His army covering my back, front, and both sides!
Thank You Father God for caring about this world. As FAR away as it has strayed from Your original design, I wouldn’t blame You if You washed Your hands of it. But You haven’t. Instead, You have taken great pains to reconcile it, bring it back, to Yourself. Now THAT’S determination!!!
I’m SO GLAD You are just as determined to bring me, AND keep me by Your side. I would be completely lost without You. And Your care includes Your army working in my life. I wonder how many horsemen and chariots have passed through my life. How many more are waiting for their assignments on my behalf? Only You know that one Lord. I’m grateful for each of them! And for the periods of rest that You have given me while Your army stands guard to ensure that I receive the FULL benefit of that rest.