Song of Songs 6:2-3 United

Our bride can’t find her beloved right now but she KNOWS that he and she are united. Others need not apply! She is his garden refuge.
After being lazy with her lover’s knock, she went on a mad hunt to find him. It cost her a beating from the city watchmen because they didn’t know the kind of woman she was. It also had others questioning her motivation. “What makes your beloved so special?” Then, after describing her beloved in the most exquisite terms, the ‘others’ want to help her look for him. She doesn’t trust their motives!
“I will search for him myself, for he is MY beloved and has already proven that to me.” She has allowed him into her ‘garden’. He has inhaled the spices and gazed at the flowers. They are one. United forever; even when he is out of her sight. She will no longer doubt his love for her.
My husband has, at times, asked me if I think he is going to Heaven. He truly professes a love for Jesus and wants to learn of Him. I reassure him that, because he has asked Jesus to be Lord in his life, he is safe with his Savior; he is going to Heaven. I can only reassure him of God’s love for him. I can’t make his heart KNOW beyond ANY DOUBT that this is true. We each have to come to that place of KNOWING on our own.
It took me a while to come to that place too. It doesn’t mean I never have ANY doubt try and creep in but that I KNOW the character of my God and can repel those doubts. I KNOW I’m not perfect. I make mistakes every day; some bigger than others. But what I can ALWAYS hold fast to are the promises of my God.
In John 10 Jesus is telling the people the ONE way into Heaven; belief in Him. In verses 27-30, He gets right down to the question we are facing today. Because you believe in Him and have come to salvation through Him NO ONE can take that from you. You are united with Him. When He takes us as His own, He NEVER turns loose. NOTHING, not even death, can separate us from Him.
Yes, I will still have issues with sin. I may even walk in it for a season. But if I have truly given my life to Him, He will NOT let me stay in that sin. He will call to me continually to bring me back onto the path He has for me. And I WILL come, because my heart is tied to His. I may be able to block His voice for a moment but He won’t give up on me and I can’t block His pull on me forever. Those who have never actually given Him their lives, even those who pretend well, are not His; yet.
“How can I know that He is Lord of my life?” By examining your relationship. Is He ‘something’ you can just pick up when it suits you or put on to impress others? Or is He the very air you breathe and you can’t imagine life apart from Him? Does your heart break when you know you have failed Him? Does “Feel the Nails” make you truly ashamed and desiring a change? How you answer these questions is how you will KNOW where your future lies. There is still time to make that choice. DO NOT put it off for you never know when your life will be over. And, no, I don’t believe in last second death bed conversion. That is like buying fire insurance while your house is burning down. Nice try, but fear isn’t faith.
Thank You Lord Jesus for my salvation! Thank You that NO ONE can pry me from Your hands! Not even my own stupidity. I LOVE YOU Lord Jesus and would have NO OTHER life. Apart from You I am helpless; lost. Enjoy Your ‘garden’ in me.