Psalm 98:1-9 A Joyful Noise

Our psalmist calls for ALL of creation to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. He has done great things! Let EVERYTHING praise Him!
When I see psalms like this I wonder how some churches refuse to let musical instruments in. David even commissioned ranks of Levites simply to play on the instruments he created for praise to God. I believe music flows to the very heart of God. It is certainly how I LOVE to come to Him.
But musical instruments and singing isn’t the only way to come to God. If it was, He wouldn’t call out for the seas to roar or the rivers to clap or the hills to sing. These things have no actual voices or hands. And yet they cry out in praise to the Lord. I can also imagine them crying out in pain when ravaged by fire or polluted by toxins. I can hear them singing with the spring rains and groaning with the drought. Yet they NEVER turn to anyone but God to meet their needs.
If I could be a tree lifting its hands unto the Lord I would wave my branches in praise. If I were to be cut down for some purpose such as a desk or a chair, I would stand boldly strong and support the weight put upon me. If I were to be used to heat a home I would release the sweetest fragrance to my Lord as I changed into ash to be spread out to nourish the soil. In WHATEVER form I was called to serve, I would praise my Lord.
Not every person, animal, rock, or drop of water is called to produce a perfect melody that causes others to stop and listen. But EACH and EVERY item of creation was, is, and forever will be designed to give honor to our Lord. Some men will choose not to submit to His authority. They will miss the GLORY that is born in surrendering to the Creator. They won’t know the sounds of praise God intended for them to bring forth. And they will miss out on His perfect melody.
Go out and listen. Hear the sound of the wind rustling the leaves. Take in the smell of the grass and flowers. Listen to the singing of the birds and the lowing of the cattle. Look upon the branches of the trees reaching out to their Creator. Watch the water as it flows over the rocks and creates ripples and splashes of laughter on its way. Take in the praises of creation for its Creator. And join in with them!!!
Sing a new song to Him today. Look at EVERYTHING that gives Him praise and imitate it. In ALL you do, acknowledge Him and give Him praise. I’m going to conquer ‘Mt. Laundry’ today and praise Him for the washing machine and dryer He has given me to keep my clothes clean. I’m going to praise Him for the each item He has provided me with to clothe me and my family. It may not be with a song that I praise but every ‘snap’ of the towel and close of a drawer as I store His gifts will ring out to Him of my thanks for ALL He has given me.
Even if I have nothing but the breath in my lungs I will still praise Him for that. Sing to Him a NEW song! Not necessarily one that has never been sung before but one born new each day from the wonder of His name. One that says, “In ALL I do, let it bring glory to You!” New, as in a new commitment to Him each and every day. His mercies are new every morning and so should my praise be.
Father God, on my ‘down’ days, remind me of this day. Remind me how, even in the most ordinary of things, I can give You praise. Let me NEVER lose the joy that comes from praising You.
Sing O my heart to the Creator of the universe! For He is WORTHY to be praised! Let all I do be a joyful noise unto my God.