Psalm 84:1-12 BEST House

Our author tells of the BEST house possible; the House of the Lord! Not even the highest palaces compare to the glory of being in the House of the Lord!
Better is one day in Your courts, better is one day in Your house than THOUSANDS elsewhere! This is a song that my heart FULLY joins with. I don’t know for certain if our author is talking about the Temple on earth or Heaven with God. This is Old Testament time so it could be either.
The Temple Solomon built for the Lord was AMAZING but it pales in comparison to Heaven. Not that I have personally seen either one, but the first only contained a portion of God and the regular people were separated from Him by several degrees. There was no direct access to God’s presence for the common man. They had to go through the Levites and the Levites had to go through the prescribed rituals and observances. God was close to His people but He didn’t make His home in their hearts.
After Jesus completed His substitution work on earth, the barriers between man and God were torn down. The Holy Spirit came to live in the hearts of man. God now lives in us and we need no intermediaries to talk to Him.
But even this new personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe pales in comparison to what is still to come! One day we will ALL stand before Him, face to face. We will feel His presence and finally understand exactly what the Godhead truly is. And depending on your own acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior, move into permanent eternity with Him or unending torment with Satan. That place with Him is where I want to be MORE than ANY other place.
Between now and then we can experience His presence spiritually through praise, worship, and delving into His word. David got to experience this when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. I think it usually came about when he was praising. His dancing before the Ark was definitely one of those times. With the Spirit living within us we simply have to turn to Him for that one on one time. Spend ALL the time you want with Him. Give Him your undivided attention and He gives you His. And this I KNOW, better is one MOMENT in His presence than ANY amount of time elsewhere.
Father God, I’m SO looking forward to the time I stand before You face to face. The moment when I’m in Your presence forever. No more separation. That moment is worth MORE than ANYTHING on this earth. That’s why I choose You FOREVER. I surrender my life to You.
I know that assembling with other believers is another way to dwell in Your presence but I don’t have that opportunity. For those who do, please make Your presence known in their midst in a real and personal way. Thank You for making Your presence known to me as we sit together each morning. I know some days I’m listening better but You never leave me here alone. You always meet me when I come to sit with You. THANK YOU for loving me that much! I’m looking forward to the day I never have to move back into my day’s needs. The day when we can stroll together and I can ask every question Your Spirit has inspired in my heart.