Psalm 61:1-8 Strong Tower

David calls to the Lord again for help. He doesn’t say why but he describes Who he is calling to. His Strong Tower, the Rock that is higher than himself, his Refuge.
David knows where safety is found. No matter where he is or what he is doing, David KNOWS that turning to the Lord is his salvation.
Notice in the last part of verse two David asks God to “lead” him to a special place. It is a place of safety, above the problems that would try and drown him. Above the heads of the crowd that surrounds him. A place where he can climb up and get a new perspective; God’s perspective. It is also a defensive position as he can see danger as it approaches.
David asks God to lead him instead of place him on that rock because the journey is as important as the perspective gained in that place. David is only willing to go to this place because God has proven Himself faithful. “For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy” (verse 3). David will need God’s protection while on that rock.
Thinking about this ‘rock’ I’m reminded of a pedestal. This place has the advantages I mentioned earlier but it is also a dangerous place to stay. Climbing up to get your bearings or out of the way of danger is one thing but remaining there is another matter, especially if it is a pedestal of your own or another man’s making.
Standing on a ‘man made rock’ puts you in plain sight of all those around you. When you stumble, ALL will see it. There might even be those who actively try and knock you off because you are so visible. But this is the place David will occupy as king of Israel. His deeds will be seen by all and his misdeeds too. Only God’s hand on his life will prevent David from disgracing himself before his people; God’s people.
David asks God to protect him in this place, even to hide him “under the shelter of Your wings!” (verse 4b). He asks for help keeping his promises to God and the people. “Help me be the king You called me to be, both to You and to Your people.” That is an admirable prayer.
I see a vision of God standing behind the throne where David is seated. His hands are on David’s shoulders and He is watching over David as he rules the nation of Israel. When things get stormy or too intense, God wraps his cloak around him, protecting him from the dangers lurking nearby. God also allows David to stand up and move around in safety, WHEN he stays within the confines of the large rock. God will call him back when he gets near the edge. David will stumble and fall at times but God waits, ready to pick him back up.
God has a ‘rock’ for each of us. A place where He has called us to be. A place of HIS making. A place He stands with us and helps us fill the role He calls us to. The journey to that place is half the learning experience. We are never alone when we are standing where He calls us. And WHEN we stumble, He will be there to right us again.
Thank You Father God for some of the places You have let me stand in my life. Thank You for bringing me down gracefully from the ones it was time to move on from. THANK YOU for picking me up from the ones I made for myself and fell off of. Lead me to the rock where You would have me stand. The ones where I can see the work set before me by YOUR hand.
YOU are my Rock also. My Salvation in the storms. Put Your arms around me and hold me tight! There is NOTHING that can come against me that You cannot handle when I give You room to work. And when I accept what that victory might look like. Be my Rock at ALL times!