Psalm 46:1-11 Our Fortress

David sings of God’s protection in even the most extreme trouble. God is our fortress and NOTHING can hurt us in Him.
SO MUCH is changing in our world! Old enemies continue to rage against one another. New wars break out every day. Mass shootings are now almost common place and expected. Some are trying to call us back from the brink of disaster while others are rushing headlong into even deeper waters. I have some sad news for any who are holding out hope that ‘things will get better.’ This world is on a collision course with disaster. My Bible tells me so in Revelation and Daniel at least. We are NOT going back to a more peaceful and pleasant time. We are marching towards judgment.
There IS good news though too. Those who have put their trust in God, HE will protect us. PRAY for our nations and our leaders. But DON’T expect them to save you. God CAN and DOES work miracles when His people pray and turn back to Him. If you want evidence of this, look at the history of Judah. When they had godly kings, things went a LOT better for them. God would hold off on delivering their just deserved punishment for their actions.
BUT punishment was NOT put off forever. There came a time for judgment to be rendered. God is gracious and patient but sin DOES have a cost. Those who continue to choose it WILL pay the price.
The BEST news though is that Jesus paid that price for those who will accept it and believe in Him. For those, this promise today of a fortress in God is extremely appropriate. He watches over His children and cares for them. He doesn’t promise they won’t have problems though. Jesus Himself said that those who follow Him would be hated by the world. He said they would suffer persecution for His name’s sake. But He also said that He has overcome the world and that we are precious to God and He continually cares for us.
This DOESN’T mean that nothing bad will ever happen to those who believe in Jesus. What it DOES mean is that our eternity is secure. It also means that He will walk beside us through any bad thing we endure and give us His support in the middle of it. Sometimes those ‘bad things’ are of our own making or used to correct us. Even then though He is STILL watching over us. NOTHING can separate us from the love of our Father. Not even death!
Be alert. Stay on guard against the enemy. Don’t fall into his traps. Trust God to carry you through whatever lies ahead. And share this good news with any who will listen! BECAUSE of Him I can sing it’s going to be ok.
Father God, THANK YOU that YOU are in control even when it looks like everything is spinning out of control. Things have to get bad before Jesus comes back. Man has to have the opportunity to truly see what he is risking and what Satan is offering. I’m not buying ANYTHING he is selling!!! Forgive me for the times when I ‘put them in my shopping cart’. THANK YOU for saving my life! Both physically and spiritually. I don’t know what is coming next in this world or even for my own life. But I DO know that YOU hold my future and ARE my fortress. I can rest secure in that knowledge.
I pray for everyone who is struggling with the decision to believe in Your Son and the work He did for them too. Let all fear and doubt melt away. Let them see the truth of Your love. I pray they choose You! Add one more name to Your growing list.