Psalm 28:1-9 Hear Me

David is crying out to the Lord. He is afraid God doesn’t hear him. “Hear me please!” is David’s call to God. And He does!
I wonder what crisis inspired this psalm. David is calling out with his whole heart but he is not sure if God is listening. Was it because he thought his sin too large? Did he feel an absence of God’s presence? Did it seem like his prayers were hitting the ceiling and going no farther? Was he in a place of soul weariness? What was it that had him wondering?
Pouring his heart out in song to the Lord broke that place for him. His praises were raw and honest. He spoke of where he was at in the moment and let his heart burst open. He cries on the Lord’s shoulder for a little while before he gets to his need.
Someone is persecuting him. It isn’t just the absence of God’s voice that has David coming to Him. David is in need. David believes he is walking upright before God but his enemies are on the up side of the situation and he doesn’t see them getting what they deserve. The wicked are winning. This should NOT be!
Apparently after reminding God of the imbalance, David receives peace. He feels God’s presence again. He see a shift in his situation. Or maybe he simply feels a lift in his heart. His song changes from one of despair to one of victory! David’s faith is renewed.
After David is personally revived he then has the strength to pray for his whole nation. He prays for their strength and reliance on the Lord. He prayed that God would be their Shepherd and carry them forever. His heart is soaring here and back on his steady plane with the Lord.
Music does this for me too. It lifts me out of despair and renews my soul. I find myself praising and praying in the Spirit when I spend a lot of time singing. He restores my soul through music! I may not see the answer by the time my ‘song service’ is finished but my heart KNOWS it is on the way.
I wish I could write songs like David did. I tend to sing the songs of others. Sometimes I change them to be more personal to me. My lyrical talents are in poetry instead. I find though that God moves my soul in poetry like He did with David in song writing. I haven’t written a poem in quite a while. I wonder if this says something about my ‘trouble quotient’ or my spiritual closeness. I do still sing quite often.
Father God, thank You for the music! Thank You that singing about You brings my heart closer to You. Thank You for filling my spirit. I don’t have an empty place in my spirit anymore; most days. Thank You for that and for reminding me where to go to refill it when it does get low again. I’ll whisper a prayer and sing a song any day! For that is where I find You and I find Your peace.