Psalm 21:1-13 His Strength

David marvels at being king and all that God has done to put him in that place. In His strength David rejoices. And he looks to the end of evil by the Lord’s hand.
“If I’m dreaming, don’t wake me up!” David is in awe of ALL God has done in his life. GOD made HIM KING! Imagine, a simple shepherd boy raised to the throne of the nation God Himself chose.
David never sought out glory. He didn’t ask to be king. He didn’t force anyone to follow him. I would venture to say that when he returned from Gath that first time and found people flocking to him, he was stunned. “I have nothing to offer them. I don’t even have a safe place to lay my head at night.” But they would not be deterred. They would pledge their lives in service to him. And he pledged his life in service to the Lord.
That more than anything is what drew them to David. He was a man of integrity who had a heart wholly surrendered to the Lord. He cared for the people who followed him, just as the Lord cares for His children. David did not elevate himself above the people. He ate what and where they ate. He slept as they slept. He worked and fought right alongside them. They would follow him anywhere.
God gave David a keen mind too. David was able to work out intricate battle plans and negotiate with even the most arrogant opponents. David dealt fairly with others but he would not be taken advantage of. He worked hard for what he got and he expected a fair exchange for his labors, and the labors of his men.
As a king, David was exalted above the people. Not by his own hand but by God’s and the peoples. There were a few times he let his position get the better of him but he was quick to repent. David gained much wealth because of God’s hand on him. Much of which David gave back to the Lord for the building of His Temple.
As a king, one of the greatest things David ever received was God’s promise of steadfast love. David was promised that his kingdom would continue forever. Imagine being a king and knowing that your descendants would rule the nation forever! That was a BIG ‘feather’ in any king’s cap. I’m pretty sure that David didn’t understand the magnitude of that final Ruler. Jesus is that final King.
EVERYTHING David had as king was because of the Lord and he KNEW it. He gave God glory and credit for it all. And that’s a BIG part of why God continued to bless him.
David also knew that there would be an end to evil one day. He had no doubt that God would one day call and end to those who stand against Him. David trusts God to make it all work out and he doesn’t even ask for victory for himself. He will let God decide who His enemies are and direct victory on His own terms.
I want to be like David. I desire to be a light that He uses to draw men unto Him. I want the only ‘glory’ I receive to be that which HE gives me. And I want to reflect it right back to Him.
Father God make me a ‘mirror’ for Your glory. A vessel that takes it in and gives it right back. Let others see You in me. Clean my hands and heart of ALL evil and pride.
Thank You for ALL the blessings You have given me. Help me use them to honor You and care for others.