Psalm 20:1-9 May He…

David sings a prayer for the people and a praise of God’s wondrous works. May He do all these wonderful things in your life. God save the king!
I want to be a recipient of ALL the blessings David calls down on the people. Answers in the day of trouble, protection, help, support, remembrance, granting of my heart’s desire, fulfilling my plans, joy over my salvation, identification with Him, and fulfilling my petitions. All these things David prays for the people of Israel.
The people David is praying this for are the ones who have a heart searching and seeking God. These blessings don’t belong to just anyone. They belong to the children who have God first in their lives. He delights in giving good gifts to His children.
This is not a ‘shopping list’ or an absolute requirement we can hold God bound to. These are just a few of the blessings He gives to His children BECAUSE He loves them. It is NOT an obligation where God HAS to do these things. He wants to give us good things. And only HE knows what gifts are best for each of His children.
Sometimes He has to change our “wants” to fit His plan before He fulfills them. Fulfilling MY plans may get me into a world of hurt! Granting the desires of my heart may get me there too. So He has to work on my heart first. When I am in the middle of a ‘lesson’ His protection may need to be slower to come because I need the correction the lesson is bringing about. He doesn’t abandon me in the lesson but neither does He take me out of it, until the time is right.
I can’t force God to answer my prayers exactly how I want them answered. What I can do is notice how and when He does answer and be grateful for His ever present eye on me. I can also choose to walk in two of the things David calls for. I can choose to shout for joy over my salvation and I can choose to hold His name high above my life. These I can do, which sets me in the place to better receive His good gifts.
No one wants to give a grumbler gifts. All they do is find fault in them. I have to admit to doing that on more than one occasion, both spiritually and in the physical world. Opening a birthday card and finding no money. Looking at the ‘practical’ Christmas gift and thinking, “That’s just what I DON’T need”. God doesn’t like giving to a grumbler either. He sometimes needs to teach us gratitude before bestowing gifts on us. He WILL get us to where we need to be to receive the good things He has in store for us.
Father God, thank You for ALL the gifts You have given me throughout my life. I’m sorry for all the times I was less than grateful or took one of Your gifts for granted. Help me be more appreciative of all the things You bring to me; even the lessons. I DO know that You save Your children and that You hear me when I pray. I TRUST IN YOU! No ‘horses’ or chariots’ for me.
Your BEST gift EVER is Jesus! Him I will NEVER take for granted.