Psalm 148:1-14 Praise The Lord

Our psalmist calls to ALL of creation to praise the Lord. From the stars in the sky to the youngest babe in arms. From the cattle on the hillside to the king on his throne. Praise The Lord!
From the highest of heights to the depths of the seas God has ordained praise. He IS indescribable! And He is worthy of ALL praise. Our psalmist wholly agrees!
I don’t think I have read a more inclusive call to praise. EVERYTHING that God has created is called to praise Him. We were ALL created with a ‘God shaped hole’ that can only be filled by a relationship with Him. Every star in the sky, every animal that walks, creeps, swims or flies, even the grass and rocks have a way to praise Him. Man was made especially for relationship with God. Our hearts are empty without Him, our Creator. God created the host Heaven to minister for Him and to Him. They sing His praises throughout eternity while carrying His messages to man and doing battle on our behalf.
It is no wonder that Satan and his demons are so tortured. They traded away a relationship with Him for self-gratification. That BLOWS MY MIND! WHY?!?!?! What could they possibly hope to obtain that God had not already surpassed in gifts to them? There is NOTHING I would trade for time with Him.
Praise the Lord! Praise Him when things are going good and when things turn bad. Praise Him for His blessings and for His lessons. Praise Him because He is God and is worthy of ALL praise. He is good and His steadfast love endures FOREVER.
Father God, I want to praise You with my WHOLE heart! Not just in the good times but in the bad and in between too. I cannot imagine my life without You. It would be completely empty. Even in my lowest times, KNOWING You were there kept me going. THANK YOU that I am NEVER alone. Thank You Lord for loving me and calling me to Yourself. THIS is where I want to stay forever.