Psalm 145:1-21 And I Shall Sing

David tells of the steadfast love of the Lord that he has learned about in his youth. The stories of God’s wonders makes him sing praises to the Lord.
I like to pray before I start reading each day. Some days it feels dry and stale while on other days it is fresh and exciting. Today my heart broke out in song as I prayed. In that song it began praying in the Spirit in song. I don’t know what the Holy Spirit was directing me to pray for as it was in God’s language but my heart soared with that song!
Then I began reading. The last part of verse seven jumped out at me. “And shall sing aloud of Your righteousness” (verse 7b). I feel like the Holy Spirit was showing me just a bit of how David felt when he listened to the stories of old. I wasn’t reminded of the ‘stories of old’ until I started remembering other times of singing in the Spirit, but I think that may be where I’m being led today. Time to remember the goodness of God and SING about it! Maybe even sing about the blessings I KNOW He still has in store.
David probably re-read the story of how God called Abram, the story of Jacob’s dream of a staircase leading into Heaven, of God changing Jacob’s name to Israel, of Joseph and how God used him to save his whole family. He no doubt read of the parting of the Red Sea and the mana in the wilderness. Who would bypass the story of the fall of Jericho and the conquest of the Promised Land under the hand of Joshua? ALL these stories and more, David revisited as he pondered the Lord’s goodness. His own battle with Goliath and the other unimaginable military victories most likely filled his mind too.
Looking back at all God had done filled David with expectation of what God would still accomplish in his life. It fed David’s gratitude, faith, and hope. These stories do the same for us and I believe that is part of why God put them in His word.
But your own experiences can sometimes have a more profound effect. I didn’t see God parting the Red Sea. I didn’t walk through on dry ground. But I have seen Him clear my husband’s lungs when the medical staff had run out of options. I have experienced being a part of an answered prayer as three young girls (including myself) felt compelled to gather food and bring it to wherever He directed. I am a living testament to Him directing the steps of others without them even realizing it and preserving my life as a result. More times than I can even count, I am a witness and recipient of the Holy Spirit speaking into my life from God’s word, either from the pulpit or our daily reading, things that are relevant for THAT moment. In the words of Gonzo in Muppet Treasure Island, “How does [He] do that?!”
Remembering these events builds MY gratitude, strengthens MY faith and fills ME with wonder about what God has next for my life. It is GOOD to look back. And it is GOOD to sing His praise because of what we see. What stories do you look back on and say, “I TRULY see the fingerprints of God!”? I would LOVE to hear some of yours. Faith building moments for ALL of us!
Father God, THANK YOU for the preparing the memories even BEFORE the lesson. Your Holy Spirit started me on this day’s journey before even stepping into Your word. I don’t know the issues covered in that prayer but it felt like the one I’m dealing with now might have been addressed. I know it isn’t a NEED strictly speaking but it is certainly a desire of my heart. If You were preparing the way for my petitions to man then, THANK YOU. If You had something more You were addressing, then I am grateful to have been allowed to participate in the process for whomever and whatever. I trust You to know how to answer ALL prayers. Thank You for the joy of the moment while praising You too. That was my ‘bonus gift’ from the Holy Spirit. I’ll take it!!!