Psalm 103:1-22 Bless The Lord

This is a blessing sandwich. Between the “Bless the Lord, O my soul” verses is the reason why and who. Because He is GOOD and His mercies endure forever!
Here is another psalm that immediately triggers music from my youth. I love the song I hear inside my mind for it says EXACTLY what this psalm is about and what God is worthy of. He has done GREAT things and is worthy of praise.
One of the things I like best about this psalm is it highlights to me how God doesn’t give me what I deserve. He gives me what He has purposed in His heart. He forgives me of my sins. God is merciful and patient with us. Even Israel was given YEARS before God’s patience came to an end and they were sent into captivity. But better than that is the fact that He STILL loved them and brought them back once their lesson had been learned. He NEVER abandons His children!
God does have a limit to His patience with us. We cannot expect to continue in sin and have Him look the other way. Just as He did with Israel, He does with us if we refuse to repent. “He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever” (verse 9). I looked up the definition for chide. It is to scold or rebuke. In other words, if you don’t listen to the words of rebuke from God, He WILL get out the rod of discipline.
God loves us THAT much! He won’t leave us in our sin to face eternal separation from Him. He will do whatever He can to get through to us. There will be those who reject Him their whole lives but those that have accepted His gift of salvation; He will NOT lose even one. Those are the ones who are HIS children and He has a right to discipline them as such.
I will not only bless Him because of all the good things He has given me but because He loves me enough to keep me in line. His mercies are new every morning and sometimes that mercy includes a firm redirect. I’ll take it and learn from it for it preserves my soul.
Father God I DO bless Your name. You have been so gracious to me throughout my life. I know my stubborn heart was/is not easy to direct. Yet You NEVER gave up on me. You changed my heart in SO MANY ways and by SO MANY means. Thank You for doing what it takes to get my attention. And for loving me right through it all! I cannot imagine where my life would be without You. I don’t even want to try!!!
Continue working on my heart Father. I know I still have many lessons that need learned. Hopefully they won’t be as hard fought as others have been. Whatever it takes Lord, I’m Yours. I again pray this same thing for my children. And I trust You with their hearts.