Proverbs 31:10-11 More Precious

We are introduced to the woman of excellence. She is more precious than jewels and her husband is blessed by her. She’s a gift of God.
Proverbs 31:10-31 is probably the most widely known section of all the proverbs. There are even organizations founded on the principles of the woman described in these verses. I know MANY godly women lament the fact that we will never fully measure up to the woman described here. But we will never settle for being any other woman in Proverbs.
The first thing I want to share about this section of scriptures we are about to dive into comes from my bible helps. Before I even arrived at this point in our journey, I noticed that there were several ‘topic divisions’ within the 21 verses. I wondered about it and also wondered about how I would progress through these verses. I usually stay with the ‘topic divisions’ as we make our way through God’s word. Sometimes I put a few sections together and press on through.
To get a better idea of what I should do, I read the intro portion for all the verses. I discovered a couple of things in doing so. First of all, I learned that this is an acrostic section. Each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In doing so, it speaks of this woman’s character covering all aspects, from beginning to end.
The second thing that was pointed out for me, is that this section is the place where the writer of Proverbs focuses solely on a woman of good character. Almost all of the entire book of Proverbs is focused on a man and the kind of character he should exhibit. Occasionally a woman is mentioned in the earlier sections but she is NOT a woman of good character. She is usually a warning to the man as to what to avoid. Much of scripture is done this way, with the exception of Song of Songs. But here in this section of Proverbs we are given a pattern for women to ascribe to. Just as there is no man who will fully live up to every verse in the wisdom given to men, there is no woman who will fully embody these verses either. All ANY of us can do is try, and NEVER give up.
I decided to stick with the multiple ‘topic divisions’ in these 21 verses. Our first section is two verses long. It is where we are introduced to the idea of an EXCELLENT wife. One who is the heart of her husband. “She is far more precious than jewels” (verse 10b) and she is a gift of God to her husband and family.
Did you notice that she is called “excellent”, NOT “perfect”? I hadn’t until I wrote the word excellent a few moments ago. While I was noticing that word, my spirit heard something that I have NEVER heard before when reading this section of scripture. I heard the words of her excellence being what HER husband needed.
Not all men are looking for the same thing in a wife. There are a few traits most men look for; a woman who will be his “help-mate” would be the most common. But that looks different for different men. One may want a wife who is and excellent housekeeper. Another may want a wife who will work in the fields along side him. Another still may want a wife who will bear him children and raise them well. Still another may want a wife who is good at entertaining his guests. Some may be looking for a submissive wife, wile another wants one who has a strong personality.
Just as men look for different characteristics, women are NOT ‘one size fits all’ needs either. God had gifted each of us with unique talents. And He created our help-mate to be searching for the same ones He placed in us. Not every woman fits with every man, but God made certain that there would be a fit WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT.
For those who are weary of searching, I would encourage you to wait for “Mr. Right” instead of settling for “Mr. Right Now.” Yes, there are those who will remain without a mate, whom God will supply with other kinds of relationships. Paul was an example of this. He had no wife, but he had the friendships and associations that made his life full. He didn’t desire a wife. He wanted to be able to devote himself more fully to the gospel. For those who DO desire a husband or wife, let God bring that excellent fit to you.
Another point I want to stress is this; even your excellent fit will have places where you rub up against one another. There WILL BE difficult moments and even seasons. There WILL BE times of compromise where neither of you is completely satisfied but both are content with the outcome. Love is working through those times and sticking with one another. There is NO ONE you will EVER find that doesn’t require some amount of work, so, it’s useless to toss away what you have and go looking for something better.
If you are one who has been tossed aside by a mate, God sees you too! HE knows your heart and your hurt. He can also bring the right mate for you that won’t destroy your heart. I know, for He has done just that for me. Trust God with your heart. Only He knows what you really need, AND how to fill that empty place.
Father God, THANK YOU that I don’t have to live up to every aspect of the woman described here. I fall short in many areas. I have talents in other areas though. I am exactly as You made me! I will continue to try and be more like this woman, using the talents You have given me. I will never be a ‘spinner of purple’ or buy land to plant a vineyard. But I will care for all those You have put in my life. I will share Your love with those around me. And I will let my heart sing as we go through each day. Thank You for making me, Me; warts and all.