Proverbs 27:11 Be Wise

Of all the things our children can do, the one we value most is their wisdom. Physical abilities in sports fade and beauty passes. “Be wise my son, and make my heart glad.”
Wisdom isn’t contained only in books. You don’t have to be a scholar to be wise. And sometimes those with the most education are the most foolish of all. True wisdom comes from God and recognizing our place in this world He made. The fool is the one who says there is no God, or tries to replace God with other things in his life.
When God gave Solomon a choice of whatever he wanted, he already demonstrated wisdom with his choice. He learned the wisdom of serving the Lord at his father’s side. David poured into him an understanding of the treasures in a relationship with the Lord. Too bad he didn’t stay true to that in the end of his life.
Street smarts is another word for man’s wisdom. This is wisdom learned through experience and often through surviving trouble. Skill in a certain area is another form of wisdom. This kind comes through practice; repeated use and correction when things don’t come out as planned. These kinds of wisdom, as well as book smarts, helps a man make a choices to ‘get ahead’ in this world but they have little value in eternity. Making money, gaining power, appearing in the Super Bowl, playing in Carnage Hall, and being able to cure the deadliest diseases is NOT going to get you into Heaven.
It takes holding onto HIS wisdom for that to happen. The wisdom of loving even the unlovable, because we were unlovable too. Recognizing our desperate need for salvation and Who that salvation comes through. Understanding the need to live a life like Jesus did to honor Him and all He has done for us.
He also gives us ALL the wisdom contained in His word. Withing these pages is where we find how to conduct ourselves in any number of circumstances. And by living as He has shown us we need not fear him who reproaches us. We probably won’t live perfect lives and follow ALL His wisdom daily, but we are perfectly loved. And we are forgiven!!! So, anytime Satan tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his future!
Father God, thank You for sharing all Your wisdom with me. Thank You that You have already spoken to the trials I will encounter in my life. No, not every instance that comes up has a chapter and verse I can go to for answers. But the fact that I’m in YOUR hands means I will make it safely to the other side of all of them; even if it is because You carried me the whole time! Keep me coming back for more of Your wisdom. I TRULY need it. And so do my children, even if they don’t admit it right now.