Proverbs 23:10-11 Wise Words #10

God watches over those who have no earthly help. Mess with them and you tangle with Him! Unbelievers call it karma; I say it’s God balancing the scale.
It wasn’t that long ago that we talked about the moving of boundary stones. In “Wise Words #4” we looked at it then. So, why does the Spirit have us revisiting this issue so soon? Probably because this time we are looking at it from a different angle. And that ‘angle’ is important.
Today we go beyond the boundary stones themselves and look at who they belong to. ALL boundary stones are important and permanent but the ones marking the fields of those who have no earthly help. The ones in need of a ‘redeemer’. The fatherless; which would include widows and orphans.
In this time in Israel, those who had no male head of the household were at a distinct disadvantage. The man was the one who conducted business, provided protection, filled the table, and directed the path of the family. One of the most important functions of the man was to provide an heir to the family’s name. Without this, the family’s name died out.
This brings us to the very people our author of the wise words is speaking of. Taking from them was especially bad, even in the eyes of the everyday Israelite. God told the people not to reap to the corners of the field or to go back over the grapes a second time. This was to ensure there were at least some crops for the fatherless. In the story of Ruth, Boaz made sure his workers left more than was required for Ruth. This custom also protected their dignity. They were not reduced to begging. They were able to provide for themselves to some degree.
The one who could provide even more for those who were fatherless was their kinsman redeemer. He could take the place of the father/husband and preserve the family’s name. For Ruth that was Boaz. The kinsman redeemer had the right to refuse this position; to step aside and let another have this place. There was no guarantee that anyone would stand in the place of the kinsman redeemer.
When we are born into this world, because of sin, we are ‘children of Satan’. We were made to be children of God. Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer. When we reject sin and Satan and turn to Jesus, He willingly fills that role. God then becomes our Father because Jesus is His Son and He is our Redeemer. OUR Redeemer does all the things a true Husband would. He gives us His name, He protects us, directs our lives, and feeds us from the table of the Lord. He also stands between us and those who would harm us or take advantage of us. We may not always recognize His protection in the moment but it is always there. The unbeliever calls it karma, but we KNOW it is our Redeemer balancing the scales.
NO act concerning His redeemed goes unnoticed; either good or bad. He tells us that they will be recognized and proclaimed in front of the Throne of God on the Day of Judgment. “As you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it as to Me” (Matthew 25:40b).
First of all Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to be my Kinsman Redeemer. I certainly want NO OTHER Redeemer than Him.
Lord Jesus, thank YOU for willingly stepping into that role for me. It cost You MORE than I can ever repay.
Next, Father God, I would like You to help me recognize the places where I can help someone else in their time of trouble. Let me be sensitive to the needs of others. But let me carry ONLY as much of their issues as YOU would have. I am NOT their redeemer; Jesus is. Let me be Your hands and feet Lord Jesus.