Proverbs 21:10-13 HE Sees & Hears

Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash
Solomon looks at the life of the wicked; their troubles and lack of answers. God sees and hears EVERYTHING and the wicked get NO answers from Him.
Solomon has shared many times now how the wicked refuse to listen, love evil, and care noting for their fellow men. When I was reading this passage again a song came to me. It speaks VERY clearly of the reason for this. The song isn’t written about the wicked but about the righteous. It is Father’s Eyes by Amy Grant. In the song Amy sings about wanting to be a reflection of her Father in the things she does.
Children carry characteristics of their parents in the physical AND spiritual world. Those whose Father is the Lord will demonstrate His character. Those who father is Satin will model his character. We can only have ONE spiritual Father/father. And we will make our parentage apparent by our conduct. Whose eyes do you reflect?
Something else I was reminded of while reading this is one of my cousins and her ‘unique’ behavior. I have a cousin that would ignore calls for her and pretend she didn’t hear them until she was ready to come. Then she would say, “I didn’t hear you the first ___ times.” The count was ALWAYS spot on so you knew she really did hear but chose not to respond. “What could this possibly have to do with our text” you ask. Let me explain.
God sees and hears EVERYTHING & EVERYBODY. But for the wicked, He chooses not to answer. It isn’t that He doesn’t care about what they are going through. He cares deeply! He holds off His answer for one of two things to happen. 1) The person cries out to Him to be Lord of their life, or 2) they have overflown their cup of anger towards God and/or His children. In scenario (1) He welcomes them with open arms and exchanges their evil heart for a new one made especially for them by His hand. In scenario (2) they have sealed their fate and are thrown “down to ruin” (verse 12b).
God knows EXACTLY how many times we call out to Him AND He knows when the heart is sincere in wanting change. If there is no desire to change, then no rescue will be forthcoming. He is ‘poised on the edge of His seat’, waiting for the right moment. HE knows which one we will choose because He has ‘read ahead’ but that doesn’t make the anticipation any less real. He is WAITING and calling out to each person. Will you answer? Will you let Him wrap you in His arms? Or will you ‘go down with the ship’ into total destruction with your father? If you have already made that ‘call’ to our Father, welcome brother and sister! I’ll see you in person someday.
Father God, THANK YOU for waiting and listening. Waiting until I finally cried out to You with purpose. And coming to my rescue the moment I did. I didn’t have to wait forever for Your answer. You gave me Your assurance of acceptance the moment I asked. I want to reflect more and more of Your character every day. I want to be known as a child who has her Father’s eyes too.