Proverbs 11:24-31 Open Handed

This section of proverbs deals with giving; being open handed. It is amazing how much more you have when you aren’t afraid to give of your stores.
Getting to the end of this chapter should put us back on track with my bible helps break out groupings. I’m not certain if I will rejoin their outline or keep going on my own, with the Spirit’s help instead. Not that they didn’t use the Holy Spirit the whole time they were updating this translation for the modern world.
In this section of the proverbs Solomon received from the Lord we see that giving is actually an open door for blessings. I say “open door” because concept of giving and receiving blessings has been abused over time. God is NOT required to shower riches on you if you give to some religious leader. Giving to get is NOT a biblical principle. Giving out of an open and caring heart is.
There are many verses on “prosperity” being used to convince believers that the avenue to wealth is to give, even of what you don’t have. “Make a promise in faith to give _____ and God will supply it so you can and then He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.” I believe this is a perversion of God’s word.
God is promising that He will bless those who don’t hold fast to their goods but there are caveats. The first is giving freely. The person who gives freely isn’t expecting anything but to bless or help another. I have children who are struggling financially, especially when going to school. My husband and I give freely to help them. We don’t expect them to bow down in gratitude and worship us. We don’t expect them to return the money someday. We give because we know they need it and we have it. This has even spilled over to non-relatives and those relatives whom you wish were non-relatives. We open our hand as often as needed.
We do so though with wisdom. The person has to be also working towards making their life sustainable on their own. They can’t be sitting back and expecting us to rescue them at every turn. One of those relatives whom we wish weren’t has been doing just that. We stopped giving when they believed they were better off and haven’t resumed even though they have gone back to their own ways. I will have to ask the Spirit if we should resume giving or not.
The second man who is held up as an example isn’t giving away freely of his goods. He is selling what he has. He is compared to the man who is hording his goods. This makes me think of the famine and Joseph. Egypt had plenty of grain and could probably have given it away but they sold it instead. And NO ONE went to them expecting a free ride. By the end of the famine people were even pledging their own lives in exchange for grain. I think Pharaoh went a bit overboard here but it was by the wisdom of God, handed down through Joseph, which increased Egypt’s territory and coffers.
I think the main difference in the two men in this proverb is that what they were relying on for their survival/salvation. The one who refused to sell what he had was trusting in that store to see him through. The other was trusting in the Lord to meet his needs instead of what he had in his storehouse. Egypt could have said, “This grain is for Egyptians only” but they sold to any who came in search of help.
This attitude of trusting in God instead of what you hold in your hand is why one man will give and another won’t. Where is your treasure? If it is here on earth then you have nothing. It will wither away and ultimately fail you. “Whoever trust in his riches will fall” (verse 28a) and “The fool will be servant to the wise of heart” (verse 29b). “But the righteous will flourish like a green leaf” (verse 28b).
Money and goods isn’t the only thing God asks us to hold with an open hand. Time and service are in that list too. Giving of only money or goods robs you of the chance to interact and influence others for the Kingdom of God. This is the way to “capture souls” for the Lord. Putting out your fruit of righteousness so others can find the source you draw from brings life for both. And it only comes by investing yourself in others through whatever avenue God provides.
Notice too that God tells us through Solomon that there is a portion that we should give. “Another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want” (verse 24). God gives us enough so we can give, even if it is only of our time. He wouldn’t have said “what he should give” if He didn’t mean it.
I’ve heard it said that you might be the only bible someone ever reads. Make it a great love story. One about a God who loves you so much that He freely gave and helps you to also freely give. This is the True source of security and salvation. One money can’t buy.
Father God, thank You for blessing me so I can bless others. Help me to give of myself in the ways that You prepared for me. Give me wisdom in managing what You have entrusted to me, including my time. Help me listen to the Holy Spirit when He tells me to give and to not do so grudgingly. I want to “capture souls” for You.